Thursday, October 31, 2019
Family and Kinship in Japan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Family and Kinship in Japan - Essay Example The sayings, or â€Å"Analects†of Confucius were written some 500 years BC and they contain many references to the duties of parents and children, in particular stressing the duty of the young man to respect his elders (Confucius and Leys, 1997, p. 4). In those days peasant families had no social security systems or means of supporting themselves in old age, and so children were expected to provide for their parents. Japanese culture is no longer based on a peasant, agricultural economy, but in the urban centers there is still an expectation that children should respect their elders, and a collectivist approach to society which involves each family unit being responsible for their own members. With the rise of industrial society in Japan male and female roles continued to be quite clearly segregated, so that women maintained the role of homemaker and provide care for the elders, while the men are expected to work long hours with a few holidays. A relic of older times can be seen in the way that Japanese religion has a place for ancestor worship. The Japanese Shinto religion involves interactions with kami or spirits, and these can include the ghosts of ancestors who have died. Hori noted in the 1960s that this practice is â€Å"even today, widespread and important†(Hori, p. 32) but points out at the same time that there is a difference between this kind of lowly household deity and the more absolute deities of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Japanese religious beliefs are syncretistic, drawing on many different sources for inspiration so that the same family can have a Shinto New Year celebration, a Buddhist funeral and a Christian wedding ceremony, without seein g any conflict between the underlying world views. This makes it rather difficult for researchers to work out how deeply embedded any cultural phenomena in modern Japan actually are.
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Marketing Midterm Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Marketing Midterm - Essay Example 19; Boone & Kurtz 12). Thus, marketing seeks to create a need for certain product or service offerings. This is eventually true especially in the case when there are many key players providing the same product or service offerings for the people. One of the best known strategies is to sell products through their brands, but this is going to take a remarkable process. Apple Incorporated and its branding strategy Apple Incorporated is known for its being a market leader in its industry because of its innovative strategy particularly on product differentiation. It managed to leapfrog the competition (De Wit & Meyer 681). In fact, it carries different line of products with significantly well-known brands. The goal of Apple Incorporated is to always go for new product strategy so as to be the market leader in its industry. Apple Incorporated has been renowned in the world because of its ability to create a need for its product and service offerings. This is specifically its competitive ad vantage and the bottom line is to create a significant trust among its customers for its brands. As a result, Apple Incorporated is remarkably known for its competitive brands in the market (O’Grady 56).
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Facts about the cruel abuse of animals
Facts about the cruel abuse of animals This argument has facts about the cruel abuse of animals. The research was informative and disappointing all at once. It includes opinions of others and cases that have happened in the past years. The research was gathered y reading articles, newspapers, and search engines such as Google and New York Times. One main difficulty while writing this essay was having to read about the horrible truth of different types of animal cruelty. The easiest thing about writing this essay was researching because animal cruelty is a common argument. Animal Cruelty Animals are being used for useless products that we can live without. Many animals die due to different types of crucial testing. They suffer by going through several procedures. The goal is not to patch up ailing people but to use the human tissues in place of mice, dogs or other lab animals for testing new drugs, cosmetics and other products (New York Times, nd). With the donation of human cells, animal testing will be reduced. This way is safer can be both suited for animals and humans. Different types of animal cruelty have been around for many years. Laws relating to animal cruelty vary from state to state. As of 2009, about forty-six states have some felony provisions in their anti-cruelty and/or animal fighting laws (Wisch, 2005). As time passes and new things are being invented, people seem to loose interest in their pets. Even though people use animals for their testing/experiments, there are other ways to get a solution to something. Scientist and many others, find it easier and safer to test on animals than to test on other possible sources. They test products such as makeup, and cologne. They also use animal fur for designer clothing other types of fashion. Innocent animal rights movement had a bible; it is Singers 1975 book, Animal Liberation (New York Times, Jan. 15, pg 30). Singer calls many of the attitudes human beings have toward other animals speciesism, a concept which can be found throughout history (Gargaro, 1991). Humans are just like animals as far as feeling pain. Many animals are killed each year for food. More than a thousand animals are killed and shipped to groceries stores to be bought. Slaughtering of cows, pigs, and other animals, happen everyday because consumers keep purchasing meat. Animals on todays factory farms are kept in crowded, filthy enclosures and denied everything natural and enjoyable to them. Most of them have no legal protection from cruelty that would be illegal if it were inflicted on dogs or cats. There are some fruits or vegetables that can give the same protein as meat. The Humane Slaughter Act requires that animals be rendered unconscious with one swift application of a stunning device before slaughter. Animals in slaughterhouses predict the worse when they smell the stench hear the sounds and often see the slaughter of those before them. As the animals struggle to cooperate with the human workers who are pressured to keep the lines moving quickly, often react abusively towards the animals.  Numerous cases of de liberate cruelty have been reported of workers who take sadistic pleasure from shooting the eyes out of cattle, striking them in the head, and electrically shocking them in sensitive areas of their bodies. The animals central nervous and endocrine systems are no different between humans. To minimize costs, animals are crowded and must live in each others excrement. They are exposed to extreme weather conditions in the open trucks. Shipping fever, which can be fatal, is common in cattle transported long distances to the feedlots, the stockyards and then the slaughterhouse (Compassionate Action Institute, nd). Animal cruelty can be either neglecting or simply failing at taking care of an animal. No matter the position of the animal, the victim can suffer terribly. People with emotional problems harm the animals in different ways. Neglect is not giving an animal the right care it should be given. Animals who die of neglect suffer twice as much as animals, who die of mistreatment. Scientist can do horrible things to animals that other people cant do legally, but every state has some protection for pets like dogs and cats. There are different cases in animal cruelty, for example cockfighting and dog fighting. Animal cruelty has not gone away. In Brea, California, 85 children, from kindergarten through 12th grade, witnessed a cow being slaughtered at Carbon Canyon Christian School, according to PETA Action Alerts. They got to experience the cruel act instead of reading it in books. Chances are if an animal is being abused and there is a child in that household, then the child is also being abu sed. Chances are that a child abusing an animal can grow up to be someone who commits other violent crimes. Studies also found that a history of animal abuse was found in 25% of male criminals, 30% of convicted child molesters, 36% of domestic violence cases and 46% of homicide cases (The National Animal Abuse Registry, nd). Vegetarians examine the animals that are abused ad rig its perpetrators to court. People engage in animal cruelty, everywhere throughout the world. There are many reasons why people mistreat animals, some individuals act on sadistic desires; others neglect them and eat them without caring. Animals are used as dummies because people think they arent harming anyone by doing so. In the past few years, organizations and caring human beings have been using the internet to spread facts of animal cruelty, a great plan considering animal abuse will only continue until enough people come face-to-face with the unbarring truth. To fight this many scientists, authors, lawyers, and politicians have valued their time and money to save suffering animals. Thanks to the individuals who gathered animal cruelty facts, people are now noticing the suffering ad mistreatment they undergo. The incredible gift of medicine would not be possible without animal testing. Those who believe that using animals for testing think that its better to have them endure the product first for safe purposes. The things that make people believe that animal testing is wrong are that they believe that what the scientists do is with bad intensions. Scientists dont do it with bad intensions they do it because it might save lives or cure an illness. For example, if scientists test a new drug that they think will cure a disease they can test it on an animal to see if their theory is right and if it is, they can use it on humans who have that disease. Animal testing is used in many different ways, but mainly to prevent harm from being brought upon humans. Animal testing is used in several areas of research drug testing, and the testing of cosmetics. Research investigates many topics including memory, social behavior, evolution, genetics, and how animals develop normally and abnormally. Drug te sting is used to test pharmaceutical drugs on animals before the drugs are exposed to the public for use. Cosmetic testing includes the final testing of a product or their ingredients either individually or combined. This testing is the most controversial and is banned in Europe (n.a, 2007). In the history of animal testing, many good things have come from it. The US Foundation for Biomedical Research says that animal research has played a vital role in virtually every major medical advance of the last century for both human and animal health. Animal drug testing on penicillin, organ transplants, was used in the creation of a vaccine for polio. There are some misconceptions about animal testing. Many people believe that dogs, cats, and monkeys are the main animals used in research, but in fact, about 90 percent of animals used are rats and mice. Only .1 percent of animals used are primates, and only .4 percent are cats and dogs. People also believe that stray animals are picked up off the street and thrown into labs for testing. Not only is that not done, but it is also illegal (William Hamblin, 2007). In the past 20 years the number of animals tested on has been cut in half. Few topics are more hair-raising than the controversy over fur. Celebrities use fur as a sense of fashion. An undercover expert at Intelligent Life points out, it is eco-hogwash to boast that something is better because it is made from natural or renewable fibers. (Caitlin Dickson, 2011). The truth is that the meat and leather trades are economically intertwined, and all the environmental issues that come with raising cattle for meat-such as habitat loss, emissions of greenhouse gases and resource use, not to mention the overuse of antibiotics-also apply to leather. So an alternative option is to look for skins that have a positive impact on habitat and wild-animal numbers. (Caitlin Dickson, 2011). A fur coat is a great way to keep warm. No matter what occasion, fur is always in style. Many top international designers are using fur in their collections. Fur is a fiber that lasts for many years. Fur is biodegradable and a renewable resource. Fur can be worn for all occasions. Furs can be used for any season. The fur trade is a proud North American heritage. Strict government controls ensure that trade is okay as longest on endangered are used. The fur trade is a responsible, and well-regulated. Animal cruelties can also be fighting of animals. The ASPCA is wiping out animal fighters and saving thousands of animals from the horrors of abuse. Animal fighting is a contest in which people force animals to fight for entertainment. In some instances, they will use weak animals as bait to train the other stronger animals. In organized dog fighting cases, two dogs are put into a ring or pit to fight until one can not continue or dies. Street dog fighting cases occur in many city locations. In cockfighting handlers attach a razor or gaff to each roosters leg and put them into a ring to fight to the death. Cockfighting is considered family entertainment. Organized animal fighting is usually secretive and very difficult for law enforcement to find. Accordingly, it is rare for investigators to find a fight in progress. Animal fighting activities relate to crimes such as gambling, drug dealing, weapons offenses and money laundering. Stealing of pets to fight them is also a crime. In organized animal fighting cases, there are usually a large number of animals who must be catalogued as evidence, provided with medical treatment, and sheltered during the pendency of the court case. Furthermore, security precautions may be necessary at the shelter because animals considered to be from champion bloodlines are in danger of being stolen. Mans best friend may fight to the death in dogfights, often with a lot of money in stake. Dogfighters sometimes kill the losing dogs, and even winning dogs may die from their wounds. Drugs, guns, and even murders are discovered in dogfights. Street dog fighting, however, is on the rise in urban areas. Neighborhood pit bull owners seek status or bragging rights of fights in back alleys or basements. They are making inroads into street dog fighting, too. All fighting dogs suffer, whether in the pit or out. Although they are pack animals, they get immune to fighting more dogs and live lives on chains or locked in cages. Whether any emotional problems, any animal should not be brutally beat. Neglect is a major impact o animals ad ca suffer terribly from it.. All states have animal cruelty laws, and most of them treat some forms of abuse as felonies. Farmers and researchers can do cruel things to animals that other people cant do legally, but all states have some protection for pets like dogs and cats. Animal neglect is the failure to provide care required for an animal to be successful. At first glance, cases may not seem as bad, but severe neglect can mean long periods of suffering, resulting to injury or death. Large amounts of neglect can affect hundreds of animals The Animal Legal Defense Fund maintains a database of criminal animal cruelty cases in the U.S. reported to our organization. In the last ten years, over 30% of cases that we have tracked involve animal neglect (n.a, 2010). Although animals can be used for finding a cure, shelter, or even making money, its wrong to abuse of them for personal needs. They are a big part in our lives and do not need to be abused for no reason. They are the victims.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Sleep Essay -- Sleeping Health Sleep Essays
Sleep â€Å"The worst thing in the world is to try to sleep and not to, then forcing oneself to stay awake for days on end must surely come a close second.†-     F Scott Fitzgerald We spend one third of our lives doing it, and yet, some of us never seem to be able to get enough. People all over the world don’t receive enough sleep whether it’s from a medical condition like narcolepsy, or simply not having enough time in a day. The effects of getting a good night’s rest are essential and signs of sleep depravation are not as hard to spot as one may think. Sleep can be compared to quicksand, ignore it and you’ll find yourself trapped. It will take over you’re body and if you try to fight it, the more it wins. The effects of not receiving enough sleep are not uncommon. Sleep depravation has been used throughout history and is common as a form of torture in many POW camps (Victims of Sleep Depravation). Countries, including the United States have used this method to extract information from prisoners. It leaves no physical markings but its psychological effects can be very harmful. Victims will literally go crazy. Those who have gone through it say that no sleep is even worse than starvation. The number of people who suffer from a lack of sleep is growing. This is largely contributed to the increased popularity of late night TV and use of the internet. How many of us can honestly say that we turned the television off in the middle of our favorite show so that we may go to bed at a reasonable hour? While driving a lack of sleep can be just as harmful, if not more, than driving while drunk.      â€Å"We had three of our grandchildren in the back seat. They were singing and the radio was blasting and he went off the road. He said he was all right. I was going to drive, but he said I’m fine, I’m fine. The next day I called the doctor.†(Sleep Apnea) Almost half of Americans drive while drowsy. One out of every five drivers actually had to pull over and take a nap. Compared to alcohol, which only slows you’re reflexes, driving while drowsy makes the driver completely unaware of his or her surroundings. This can be extremely dangerous for motorists especially truckers, who more often than not, drive late into the night. (Drowsiness on motorists) Adults are not the only ones effected by a lack of sleep. A one-year-old baby will sleep 16 out of the 24 ... ...p Apnea. 2 February 2004. Narcolepsy Information. 2 February 2004. Don’t Go To Bed Yet. 2 February 2004. Amphetamines. 23 February 2004. Got Caffeine? 23 February 2004. Study Confirms Sleep Essential for Creativity. 2 March 2004. Depressants. 10 March 2004. Night Fever. 10 March 2004.,13026,1117085,00.html The Real Victims of sleep Depravation. 10 March 2004. Insomnia. 10 March 2004. Kunz, Jeffrey, and Asher Finkel, ed. The American Medical Association Family      Medical Guide. New York: Random House, Inc. 1987. Stern, Jack, David Carroll. The Home Medical Handbook. New York: David Carroll,      1987. Sleep Essay -- Sleeping Health Sleep Essays Sleep â€Å"The worst thing in the world is to try to sleep and not to, then forcing oneself to stay awake for days on end must surely come a close second.†-     F Scott Fitzgerald We spend one third of our lives doing it, and yet, some of us never seem to be able to get enough. People all over the world don’t receive enough sleep whether it’s from a medical condition like narcolepsy, or simply not having enough time in a day. The effects of getting a good night’s rest are essential and signs of sleep depravation are not as hard to spot as one may think. Sleep can be compared to quicksand, ignore it and you’ll find yourself trapped. It will take over you’re body and if you try to fight it, the more it wins. The effects of not receiving enough sleep are not uncommon. Sleep depravation has been used throughout history and is common as a form of torture in many POW camps (Victims of Sleep Depravation). Countries, including the United States have used this method to extract information from prisoners. It leaves no physical markings but its psychological effects can be very harmful. Victims will literally go crazy. Those who have gone through it say that no sleep is even worse than starvation. The number of people who suffer from a lack of sleep is growing. This is largely contributed to the increased popularity of late night TV and use of the internet. How many of us can honestly say that we turned the television off in the middle of our favorite show so that we may go to bed at a reasonable hour? While driving a lack of sleep can be just as harmful, if not more, than driving while drunk.      â€Å"We had three of our grandchildren in the back seat. They were singing and the radio was blasting and he went off the road. He said he was all right. I was going to drive, but he said I’m fine, I’m fine. The next day I called the doctor.†(Sleep Apnea) Almost half of Americans drive while drowsy. One out of every five drivers actually had to pull over and take a nap. Compared to alcohol, which only slows you’re reflexes, driving while drowsy makes the driver completely unaware of his or her surroundings. This can be extremely dangerous for motorists especially truckers, who more often than not, drive late into the night. (Drowsiness on motorists) Adults are not the only ones effected by a lack of sleep. A one-year-old baby will sleep 16 out of the 24 ... ...p Apnea. 2 February 2004. Narcolepsy Information. 2 February 2004. Don’t Go To Bed Yet. 2 February 2004. Amphetamines. 23 February 2004. Got Caffeine? 23 February 2004. Study Confirms Sleep Essential for Creativity. 2 March 2004. Depressants. 10 March 2004. Night Fever. 10 March 2004.,13026,1117085,00.html The Real Victims of sleep Depravation. 10 March 2004. Insomnia. 10 March 2004. Kunz, Jeffrey, and Asher Finkel, ed. The American Medical Association Family      Medical Guide. New York: Random House, Inc. 1987. Stern, Jack, David Carroll. The Home Medical Handbook. New York: David Carroll,      1987.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Alternative Energy Helps Decrease Consumption Of Oil Environmental Sciences Essay
For several centuries, people use rough oil in their mundane life. It is used in signifier of gasolene, Diesel fuel, or different industrial lubricators. From oil, it is able to make besides heat or electricity. For a long clip, the most seeable merchandises of petroleum oil used every twenty-four hours are fuels for autos. As the figure of people on Earth is increasing, more autos are used, more electricity must be produced, more heat must be generated. All these facts show how people are dependent on oil and its merchandises. As Miller explains in the book Living in the environment, 82 % of the universe used energy in 2004 came from unrenewable resources. 33 % of it came from oil ( Miller, 2007 ) . It is true that the oil militias are still sufficient. On the other manus, it is of import to understand that the ingestion of oil is increasing each twelvemonth and oil, as the unrenewable resource, will be one twenty-four hours wholly depleted. Therefore, today it is of import to seek for other options. Wind, Sun, and H2O can be considered the new energy beginnings, which can diminish the dependance on oil and other unrenewable resources. Wind energy is considered one of the cleanest and the longest used energy in universe. The primary signifiers of use of air current energy can be found in early history. As the web page explicates, â€Å" The first known usage was in 5000 BC when people used canvass to voyage the Nile River. Persians had already been utilizing windmills for 400 old ages by 900 AD in order to pump H2O and swot grain. Windmills may hold even been developed in China before 1 Ad †( Alterenergy, n.d. ) . Besides in many European states, for illustration in Slovakia, air current Millss had been used for different intent like chattering the flour. Today, air current energy has gained first topographic point in many European provinces. Harmonizing the information of European air current energy association, Germany is on the top of list of states which used air current energy at most. Germany reported 28777MW in the terminal of twelvemonth 2009. The 2nd topographic point belongs to Spai n with 19149MW. Merely to compare, Slovakia reached merely 3MW in the terminal of twelvemonth 2009. This figure is really low. In twelvemonth 2008, Austria had installed new 14MW of air current power which helped it to make 995MW in the terminal of twelvemonth 2009 ( EWEA, 2010a ) . As the beginning continues, aˆzA sum of 19,651 MW of new power capacity was constructed in the EU last twelvemonth [ 2008 ] . Out of this, 8,484 MW ( 43 % ) was wind power ; 6,932 MW ( 35 % ) gas ; 2,495 MW ( 13 % ) oil ; 762 ( 4 % ) MW coal and 473 ( 2 % ) MW hydro power capacity †( EWEA, 2009b ) . Detailed information about air current energy for the old ages 2000 to 2008 is posted in Appendix A. As it was already mentioned, there several tools for coevals the electricity from air current energy. The most seeable are windmills, like those in Austria. There is besides aA new device called Magenn power air rotor system ( MARS ) . As the web page of alternate energy beginnings explains, this de vice is filled by He and rotates in horizontal degree. As the beginning continues, the He inside the device keeps MARS high about the land. This distance can be maximal 1000ft. The web page besides explains that thanks to Magnus consequence, MARS can remain at its topographic point. The electricity is produced when the air current goes throughout the particular unit in MARS, which starts to whirl. Then, thanks to a overseas telegram, the electricity is transited into aA transformer located on land ( AES, n.d.a ) . For better visual image of this drifting air turbine, see image 2, 3, 4, and 5 in Appendix A. As it is seeable from the images, this Magenn power air rotor system can be located practically anyplace. It can be used on little islands, where the conveyance of other sort of electricity is impossible or excessively dearly-won. This system can be applied besides in polar countries, where people have to utilize diesel generators. But this is non the lone advantage. As the AES ex plains, these turbines are non so dearly-won, are friendly to environment, and are more efficient than other systems. Ability of the MARS to run on higher velocity of air current compared to other air current turbines is the following difference advantage mentioned on the web page of AES. Another advantage is connected with the tallness in which this system operates. This system is non every bit seeable as classical air current turbines. Therefore, as AES explains, ocular and noise impacts on land are reduced. Mobility of this system can be considered another advantage. As AES expounds, in instance of some catastrophe, the system can be easy abjuring. Therefore, the system will non be damaged ( AES, n.d.c ) . But the best thing on this air current energy is that it does non hold negative impact on environment as oil or other beginnings of energy that pollute the Earth. All the mentioned facts and advantages of air current energy show that this beginning of energy can vie with oil or other unrenewable resources. Wind energy can be considered the replacement of rough oil or other unrenewable resources in field of bring forthing electricity. Solar energy is considered for a long clip cleanest a cheapest beginning of energy. Harmonizing to Solar energy industries association, the history of solar panels has started in 1820 when Henri Becquerel noticed so called photovoltaic consequence. First photovoltaic solar contraption bring forthing convenient sum of electricity was created in 1954 ( SEIA, n.d. ) . Solar energy is practically unlimited because of life rhythm of the Sun. As the web page explains, Sun has still sufficient sum of fuel, dwelling of H and He, for about following five billion old ages ( Solarviews, n.d. ) . Energy from Sun comes on Earth in signifier of visible radiation and heat. Both of them are created during thermonuclear mergers in a nucleus of Sun. Radioactive Sun air current is a secondary merchandise of this merger. Earth is, fortuitously, protected from this radioactive air current thanks to magnetosphere, which works like a shelter. For better imaginativeness, see picture 1 in Appe ndix B. In country of poles, this solar air current is seeable as a phenomenon called aurora borealis. Use of solar energy is really popular for several old ages. Besides tonss of people have started to put in solar panels on their houses. In the last old ages, photovoltaic systems started to hold taking place in this industry. As a web page explains, â€Å" Photovoltaic systems use solar electric panels to straight change over the Sun ‘s energy into electricity †( Toolbase, n.d. ) . As the beginning continues, there are different sizes of the photovoltaic device. As it is written on the mentioned web page, there exist two types of photovoltaic panels: stiff and flexible. Harmonizing to the beginning, â€Å" stiff PV [ photovoltaic system ] faculties typically have a glass screen while the flexible faculties have a really lasting movie screen. Both types of PV faculty building have been strictly tested to last storm and hail harm and are immune to debasem ent from ultra-violet beams †( Toolbase, n.d. ) . As the research is in advancement, new possibilities are invented. Merely recently, as it was published on web page, scientists form the Freiburg Materials Research Center and Department of Microsystems Engineering invented new intercrossed solar cell that will increase the efficiency of solar cells. As the mentioned web page explains, â€Å" photoactive bed of intercrossed solar cells consists of a mixture of inorganic nanoparticles and an organic polymer †( Albert-Ludwigs-Universitat Freiburg, 2010 ) . As the beginning continues, â€Å" it is theoretically possible to use the method developed by the research workers to many nanoparticles, [ so ] this discovery opens up new potency for increasing the efficiency of this type of solar cell even further †( Albert-Ludwigs-Universitat Freiburg, 2010 ) . For elaborate position of this new engineering, see image 2 and 3 in Appendix B. These solar sys tems have batch of advantages. The biggest advantage is that it does non harm environment because it is clear manner of production of electricity. As it was mentioned in the beginning of the paragraph, solar energy is unlimited, which is the following advantage of this system. As the web page of AES explains, this system â€Å" works best in the sunniest, frequently the poorest, parts of the universe †( AES, n.d.d ) . This can guarantee these states independency in a field of demand for electricity. As the beginning continues, solar energy is safe and flexible ( AES, n.d.d ) . Solar energy can besides assist to bring forth heat or warm up the H2O needed for families or houses. This vision is portion of ecohouses. The mentioned facts confirm that solar energy has great possible and future, and for certain, it will assist to cut down humanA?s dependance on oil in field of bring forthing electricity and heat. Water energy is besides considered one of the hereafter energy beginnings because of its advantages. Water has large power, particularly its flow. This fact is a basic premise for utilizing H2O in hydro power workss. As the web page U.S. geological study explains, â€Å" hydroelectric works uses falling H2O to turn the turbine †( USGS, n.d. ) . As the beginning continues, â€Å" a hydraulic turbine converts the energy of fluxing H2O into mechanical energy. A hydroelectric generator converts this mechanical energy into electricity †( USGS, n.d. ) . For more inside informations, see image 1 and 2 in Appendix C. This type of bring forthing electricity is really common in the universe. As web page of Slovenske elektrarne explains, besides Slovakia has several hydro power workss in H2O impound like Orava, Nosice, or Liptovska Mara, and pumped storage hydro workss located for illustration in Liptovka Mara or A?ierny Vah ( Slovenske elektrarne, n.d. ) . Not merely the H2O in rivers but besides H2O in seas can be used for bring forthing electricity. In the instance of sea H2O, tidal power is utilised. Harmonizing to company Verdant power, â€Å" free Flow Kinetic Hydropower System uses three-bladed, horizontal-axis turbines deployed underwater to bring forth clean renewable energy from tidal and river currents †( Verdant power, n.d. ) . As the beginning continues, it â€Å" is installed to the full submerged and operates automatically and unseeable from shore. The system does non necessitate dikes or other major civil plant, and does non airt the natural flow of the H2O †( Verdant power, n.d. ) . For elaborate position, see image 3 and 4 in Appendix C. This tidal power is really utile, because, thanks to Moon and Sun, the H2O is moved without any human aid. This means that this system is non so dearly-won. As the AES explains, this system has more other advantages. The best is that this system is ecological and environmental friendly. As the beginning continues, this system is besides cheaper than some device utilizing tidal power built on seashore. The system is safe and can be placed practically anyplace under the H2O ( AES, n.d.e ) . The mentioned advantages show that H2O energy can efficaciously bring forth electricity. Therefore, it can assist to cut down the usage of petroleum oil and other unrenewable resource. Although all the mentioned beginnings of energy seem great, all of them have some disadvantages. High initial costs are the common disadvantages for all of them. The 2nd disadvantages common for all the mentioned energy beginnings is non really high efficiency. These beginnings still can non bring forth the needful sum of electricity or heat that can be produce from oil or other unrenewable resources. It is true that these â€Å" green †beginnings of energies are non on the same degree as unrenewable resources, but as the development improve, besides these engineerings are improved. Therefore, the better efficiency of these alternate energy beginnings is merely a inquiry of clip. These new energy beginnings can assist to diminish the dependance on oil. In the hereafter, for certain they will be use as primary beginnings of energy. In the hereafter, air current, Sun, and H2O energy can replace unrenewable resources for production of electricity. It is true that batch of scientific research is needed for bettering the systems, but there is large potency. It is merely up to the authoritiess to back up the research in a field of alternate beginnings of energy. In the hereafter, the puting money will convey cleaner environment and independency from unrenewable resources. It is a great vision, and it is merely up to human race how it will work with these new engineerings.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Go Green
You hear the word recycling or going green many time trough the years. It is such an important environmental issue and yet, not much is done about this issue. If you ask a random person on the street what they think about recycling, they would say â€Å"it’s good for the environment. †Even though there are so many things said about going green or recycling, not much is done. Recycling can help the environment and we the creatures all around the world.Recycling is important for the environment because recycling reduces greenhouse gas issue and helps stem the dangers of global climate change. If people do not recycle, there would be habitat loss for the many species of magnificent creatures that accompanying us. Recycling reduces the need for raw materials so that the rainforests can be preserved. Possibly a more important reason to recycle is because it will reduce pollution risks in our society.The most obvious way is by keeping waste out of landfills, which introduces contaminants and other toxins into groundwater systems. Recycling also keeps materials out of incinerators, which pollutes the air and create severe ash residue, which is very dangerous for the health. Furthermore, reduce financial output in the economy, making products from raw materials costs much more than if they were made from recycled products. What can you do to recycle? Here are three easy steps you can do.Firstly, you can separate plastic, aluminum, glass, and paper, into different container or bags. Secondly, you can turn the water off when you’re not using it. Thirdly, you can switch to energy- efficient light bulb, which saves you money. In conclusion, Recycling is one of the best ways for you to have a positive impact on the world in which we live. Recycling is important to both the natural environment and us. By doing at least three things can help the planet which we stand.
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