Friday, March 20, 2020
Using the Spanish Verb Tocar
Using the Spanish Verb Tocar The core meaning of the Spanish verb tocar is to touch. In fact, both words come from the Latin verb toccare. Common Meaning of Tocar Probably the most common meaning of both tocar and touch is to refer to physical contact between things or persons. Some examples of the word used this way in Spanish: Tocà ³ los dedos de su esposa, flojos y calientes. (He touched his wifes weak and warm fingers.)Cuando el avià ³n tocà ³ tierra los pasajeros aplaudieron. (When the plane touched ground, the passengers applauded.)No tocaron el està ©reo. (They didnt touch the stereo.) This meaning is sometimes figurative: Los ciudadanos son ms pobres y aà ºn no han tocado fondo. (The citizens are poorer, and they still havent hit bottom.)Espera con paciencia su momento para tocar el cielo. (She is waiting patiently for her time to touch to the sky.) As with the English touch, tocar can be used as a euphemism to refer to sexual contact: Él me decà a que lo nuestro era platà ³nico, y no me tocaba. (He would tell me that our relationship was platonic, and he didnt touch me.)Desde nià ±a me tocaba, y el repulsivo me ofrecà a dinero para que me acostara con à ©l. (Since I was a girl he touched me, and the creep would offer me money to sleep with him.) Using Tocar With Indirect Objects When tocar is used with an indirect object, it can refer to the turn or responsibility of the person who is the indirect object. The exact translation depends on the context:  ¿A quià ©n le toca? (Whose turn is it? Whose job is it?)El mià ©rcoles de esa semana me toca trabajar. (On Wednesday of that week its my responsibility to work.)Nos toca pagar. (Its our turn to pay. Its up to us to pay.) The same can be done when tocar means to affect a person emotionally. In this way, tocar can behave much like the verb gustar. El blues es la mà ºsica que ms me toca el corazà ³n. (Blues is the music that most touches my heart. In this sentence, the direct object is el corazà ³n, while me is functioning as an indirect object.)La actriz digo que la realizacià ³n de este film le tocà ³ emocionalmente. (The actress said that the making of this film touched her emotionally.)Le tocaba el alma la cancià ³n de Navidad. (The Christmas song touched his soul.) Other Meanings of Tocar The other meaning of tocar that is extremely common in Spanish is to play a musical instrument or similar item. For example: La guitarra es uno de los instrumentos ms fciles de aprender a tocar. (The guitar is one of the easiest instruments to learn to play.)Voy a darme un baà ±o y luego tocarà © el piano. (Im going to take a bath and later Ill play the piano.)A la muerte de Susana, se tocaron las campanas de todas las iglesias. (When Susana died, they rang the bells of all the churches.) When referring to someones speaking or writing, tocar can mean to touch on. El presidente no tocà ³ el tema de Irak. (The president didnt touch on the subject of Iraq.)Los Monty Python tocaron todos los gà ©neros del humor. (Monty Python touches on all types of humor.) Tocar can be used so that its subject represents something that is given to someone: Le tocà ³ la loterà a. (He won the lottery.)Le ha tocado un tiempo muy difà cil. (He had been given a very rough time.) Tocar also is used in some set phrases or idioms: Por lo que a mà me toca (as far as Im concerned) ¡Toca madera! (Touch wood!)Tocar de cerca (to have a close relationship with someone, or to be very familiar with a subject)Tocarle a alguien bailar con la ms fea (to be expected to do something very difficult or disagreeable) Conjugation of Tocar Tocar is conjugated irregularly in spelling but not pronunciation. The c is changed to qu when followed by the e. For example, the first-person preterite form is toquà © (meaning I touched), and the present subjunctive forms follow the pattern of toque, toques, toquemos, etc. Key Takeaways The Spanish verb tocar comes from the same source as the English verb touch and often has that meaning. Among many other meanings, it is also used for to play a musical instrument.When it means to be emotionally touching or to refer to taking turns, tocar is used with an indirect-object pronoun.Tocar is conjugated regularly in terms of pronunciation, but the c of the stem changes to qu when it comes before an e in conjugated forms.
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
Deciphering 7 Job Ad Phrases and What They Really Mean
Deciphering 7 Job Ad Phrases and What They Really Mean Sometimes reading a job description is a bit like trying to decipher The Matrix. While some phrases are literal, others are more cryptic, leaving you to wonder, â€Å"Is this really the right job for me?†This handy crib sheet can help you understand what employers really mean when they write job descriptions. 1. â€Å"Multitasking†â€Å"Multitasking†sounds like a great skill, right? Being recognized for your ability to do many things at once is, on the surface, a positive one. However, while the job description may simply mean that you will be expected to balance, prioritize, and complete work in order of importance, it can also have an underlying meaning: that your employer will expect you to do anything and everything - whether or not it actually falls under the roles and responsibilities of your job.If you like to have understanding of what your job will entail, and prefer to stay within those guidelines, then the â€Å"multitasking†keyword may set off alarm bells for you.2. â€Å"Team Player†In our increasing era of collaboration, the need for team players goes without saying. So what does it mean when a job description highlights this fact? Along the same lines as â€Å"multitasking,†this may cloak what employers are really looking for: someone to do the dirty work in the form of the department’s most untenable work. Or, you may be asked to put aside your own work to help a teammate who dropped the ball. Over time, this can become a major frustration.3. â€Å"Entrepreneurial†Entrepreneurial skills are highly prized in today’s business world. While some companies may be looking for movers and shakers, others may be cloaking an unclear or irregular job description.Rather than being given a firm set of responsibilities, you may be expected to intuit where you need to be and when, which can be a recipe for disaster in uncertain situations.4. â€Å"A Fast-Paced Job Environment†This one m ay sound like a thrilling opportunity. After all, who wants a job that’s slow and boring? But this description may be a hidden warning that you’ll be working in a pressure-packed environment. While this may work for you if tight deadlines and frenetic work hours help keep you motivated, if you prefer a more stable environment, think twice.5. â€Å"Must have a good sense of humor†A sense of humor is an addition to any office, but that goes without saying. However, if a good sense of humor is requisite for the job - and the job doesn’t involve working in comedy club - then more likely than not this may indicate that the company culture leans toward the off, unusual, inappropriate, or even alienating.It may also mean that they are looking for an employee who will laugh in the face of adversity†¦and thereby that adversity exists.6. â€Å"Perfect for stay-at-home moms and students.†Stay-at-home moms and students may be looking for flexible hours, so job descriptions which put these words front and center may be particularly appealing to them. However, this may also be a way of suggesting that both experience requirements and pay are minimal.Many people in need of part-time work are also willing to work for less so the competition may be surprisingly steep.7. â€Å"Passionate†It’s good to be committed to your job, but not if â€Å"passionate†means â€Å"willing to work for much less to do what you love.†It may also mean that an employer expects candidates to be willing to put their jobs above all other commitments.As the competition for the best candidates becomes fiercer, employers are getting savvy about crafting job descriptions that catch the attention of potential applicants. Savvy applicants, meanwhile, can be prepared to decode job description lingo and find a job description that matches their expectations when it comes to a real-world job.
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