Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Whts New in the New Economy essays
Whts New in the New Economy papers Whats New In The New Economy? At the point when you picture the economy of America you can just imagine success. Americas economy is another economy and the purpose for that is the innovation engaged with each activity taken towards the economy. Individuals dont run the economy the PCs and the Internet run the economy. This nation is entering an advanced economy. Its not at a similar level it was during the 1920s when the whole United States was tossed in the well of gloom. America has pulled itself in to another changed IT economy. The new economy rivalry at the work environment draws out the best and furthermore the most exceedingly awful in organizations. Those organizations that will in general be at a better quality contribute their workers on preparing, quality upgrades, consumer loyalty and innovative work. The new economy carries more lucrative occupation to higher talented specialists the interest is very high for training. The occupations that should be filled are for the most part achievable, to understudies of instructive offices who are improving their lessons, and up reviewing the material learned in the courses step by step. As the new innovation is created there should be taught individuals who can work with or on the new innovation. The new economy additionally influences the associations, which advantage their individuals with expanded solace with their work advantages, hours and pay. The manner in which the economy runs is the manner in which our lives run. Innovation is growing development so quick that more seasoned suspicions on expansion profitability and benefits and so on do not hold anymore. The new economys employments are making themselves progressively adaptable to the working guardians who. Organizations are flexing hours and days so as to go with the children and their folks. The new economy is likewise definitely fixing issues, which include disregard from the offspring of working guardians. Also that the pay and solace of living for the ... <!
Saturday, August 22, 2020
America Globalization Essay Example
America Globalization Essay Example America Globalization Essay America Globalization Essay Reflection The expectation of this paper is to explore the idea that American organizations are working with universal organizations to help climb the monetary framework. The paper centers around the utilization of globalization as an essential device towards convey throughing that end. The paper other than furnishes the peruser with positions from the two heroes of globalization and resistances each piece great. The articles utilized for this paper give truly fascinating realities each piece great as positions on the two sides of the financial even exhibit. In U. S Broad Politics author Deborah White’s article Pros and Cons of Free Trade she plates globalization corresponding to facilitated commerce understandings and gives the two upsides and downsides each piece great as a summed up meaning of unhindered commerce. In the interim. Gary Hufbauer gives an additionally reassuring article on Globalization provided with surveies and contentions. Concerning Chris Isidore’s article. it centers all around the downturns from past to appear and what inclinations are unique and continue as before when it manages the designed development of the financial framework. Last. Wikipedia’s meaning of Globalization spreads out in thing the history. course of events. concern applications. furthermore, and so on about the monetary notice. In comparative mode. this paper analyzes the general examination of globalization and how it identifies with climbing the monetary framework. America A ; Globalization Perhaps the greatest subject today in America’s recent developments is the U. S. financial framework and the interest for a prudent support. The U. S. announced the most recent downturn the greatest since the Great Depression. Fitting to Chris Isidore ( 2010. p. 1 ) . The Great Recession began in December 2007 and finished June 2009 . Nonetheless. this data does nil for the numerous Americans unemployed. over-obligation in their home loan. also, uncertain about their financial henceforth. By and by. clearly. the American enterprises have worked hard to look to happen approaches to help individual Americans and climb the financial framework back to its middle. One of the manners in which enormous partnerships think will help is the use of Globalization. Blending to Wikipedia ( 2012. p. 1 ) by definition. Globalization alludes to the logically planetary connections of progress. individuals. what's more, monetary movement. It is all around used to make reference to monetary globalization: the planetary dissemination of the creation of products and ventures. through reduction of obstructions to worldwide exchange, for example, obligations. send out expenses. what's more, import amounts . Moderately. the United Nations Economic and Social Commission have other than composed that globalization is a generally utilized term that can be characterized in a figure of various ways. At the point when utilized in a monetary setting. it alludes to the abatement and remotion of hindrances between national limit lines so as to facilitate the progression of products. capital. also, administrations and labor†¦ interestingly. there are only the same number of individuals contradicted to this idea as those whom bolster it. Deborah White composes ( p. 1 ) . One furious disease is that in excess of 3,000,000 U. S. occupations with working class rewards have been redistributed to outside states since 1994. It appears that the greatest check is changing over the in the middle of classification that globalization is indeed. a decent idea for the monetary framework. Those equivalent restrictions accept that unhindered commerce has caused more U. S. occupations losingss than augmentations. especially for higher-wage occupations. They other than feel that many facilitated commerce understandings are terrible exchanges for the U. S. In any case. American organizations in simultaneousness with specialists functionaries are both working with other global organizations to help climb our financial framework. To get down with. American organizations like the idea of climbing the financial framework through the utilization of globalization. From now on. with settlements like NAFTA ( North American Free Trade Agreement ) and associations like NATO ( North Atlantic Treaty Organization ) America has been at the leader of the run for the remotion of hindrances between national limit lines so as to facilitate the progression of merchandise. capital. administrations and work. Moreover. as White composes ( 2012. p. 2 ) . The purpose of unhindered commerce understandings is to let quicker and more worry between the two nations/regions. which should benefit both. Insights show that globalization assists climb the monetary framework. Gary Clyde Hufbauer writes in his article. The Peterson Institute ascertains that the US financial framework is about $ 1 trillion more extravagant every twelvemonth inferable from past globalization-the last installment both from innovative creation and from arrangemen t progression and could determine another $ 500 billion yearly from future advancement . These are the Numberss that inspire American Corporations. In add-on. globalization assists increment with netting incomes and overall gains for U. S. concerns. which at long last lift the monetary framework. What the in the middle of class does non comprehend is that globalisations strategies such organized commerce help make more occupations inside the in the middle of classification part as long as possible. White other than includes ( 2012. p. 2 ) . Expulsion of beyond a reasonable doubt won and confining exchange boundaries. for example, obligations. portions and conditions. inalienably prompts simpler and swifter exchange of purchaser merchandise. The outcome is an expanded volume of U. S. net incomes. Globalization other than assists with creating and hamburger up the financial arrangement of the most unfortunate expresses each piece great. Probably the greatest advantages of hapless states through strategies like facilitated commerce are making progressively industrialized st ates and expanding the acquisition of their regular assets or potentially work administrations. Condescendingly. there are only the same number of restrictions to globalization and unhindered commerce as there are heroes. A considerable lot of those that contradict comprises of in the middle of class Americans and the congresswoman they choose. The greatest activity is an alarm of the obscure. Center classification Americans don’t need to sit tight for the long haul . They need to proceed to hold a similar security of work as they’ve ever had. which is understandable. Notwithstanding. they other than feel facilitated commerce understandings cause a misfortune in more lucrative occupations. This is the balance or stage for the announcement of the War on the Middle Class . The announcement of facilitated commerce and globalization. despite the fact that gives a flooding support in corporate overall gains. single prizes deteriorate. This rules out the white collar class to advance. As White clarifies ( 2012. p. 2 ) . While corporate total compensations take off. single prizes deteriorate. kept in any event somewhat under wraps by the gallant new certainty of offshoring - that 1000000s of Americans’ occupations can be performed at a small amount of the expense in creating states close and far. Taking everything into account. the finding of whether globalization is useful for the financial framework will proceed to be a hazardous issue among those of various financial gatherings. Be that as it may. there is no vulnerability that globalization has its advantages and disadvantages. A definitive end and attitude of American Corporations behind actualizing globalization is to work with universal organizations trying to climb the monetary framework. Praised financial specialist Warren Buffet one time said. Someone’s sitting in the obscurity today since individual planted a tree a long clasp prior. ’ Whether that shade tree is globalization. who knows? A definitive end is making occupations and obtaining the monetary framework back on class. Notices Deborah White. ( 2012 ) US Broad Politicss Professionals and Cons of Free Trade Agreement. Recovered from hypertext move convention:/usliberals. about. com/od/theeconomyjobs/I/FreeTradeAgmts. htm Chris Isidore. ( September 2010 ) Economy Recession formally finished in June 2009. Recovered from hypertext move convention:/cash. cnn. com/2010/09/20/news/economy/recession_over/list. htm Gary Hufbauer. ( May 2008 ) Answering the Critics: Why Large American Gains from Globalization Are Plausible. Recovered from hypertext move convention:/www. iie. com/distributions/papers/paper. cfm? ResearchID=929 Wikipedia. ( March 2012 ) Globalization Retrieved from hypertext move convention:/en. wikipedia. organization/wiki/Globalization
Saturday, August 1, 2020
Paruresis is the Fear of Using Public Toilets
Paruresis is the Fear of Using Public Toilets Social Anxiety Disorder Symptoms Print What Is Paruresis? By Arlin Cuncic Arlin Cuncic, MA, is the author of Therapy in Focus: What to Expect from CBT for Social Anxiety Disorder and 7 Weeks to Reduce Anxiety. Learn about our editorial policy Arlin Cuncic Updated on July 13, 2019 Social Anxiety Disorder Overview Symptoms & Diagnosis Causes Treatment Living With In Children Getty / Neil Beckerman Paruresis is the fear of public toilets without any medical cause. Paruresis is also known as urophobia, shy kidney, shy bladder, or bashful bladder syndrome (BBS). Paruresis is experienced by women and men of all ages and when severe and untreated can lead to medical complications. Paruresis is considered to be a social phobia. In general, if you live with paruresis, you fear negative evaluation by others related to using public toilets. If this fear is severe and limits your life, it may be diagnosed as social anxiety disorder (SAD). If you live with a medical condition that prevents you from being able to urinate, you would not be diagnosed as having paruresis. Social Anxiety Disorder and Public Restrooms Causes of Paruresis Just as with social anxiety disorder, it is unlikely that there is one cause underlying paruresis. At the same time, there are some experiences that seem to be present for some people with the condition: You may have experienced childhood bullying or had parents who were overly critical.You may have experienced a traumatic episode in which you were not able to urinate when you were supposed toâ€"for example, your doctor or some other professional might have asked you to provide a urine sample. Common Triggers If you live with paruresis, there are probably some triggers that make it more difficult for you to use a public toilet, including:The restroom you need to use is very busy.The toilet stall lacks proper partitions for privacy.You are feeling particularly anxious, fearful, or pressed for time when trying to use the toilet.Someone is waiting for you while you use the toilet.You have the perception that others are listening while you use the toilet. Effects on Daily Life Paruresis can cause difficulty with travel, social obligations, and professional commitments. If you are constantly concerned about using public toilets, it can leave you feeling out of control and needing to develop strategies to cope. For example, you may find yourself carefully structuring your day so as to avoid using public toilets. You might drink little so that you dont have as much need to urinate. You might also urinate frequently while at home so that you dont have to once you leave the house. Some people also run the tap or flush so that other people cannot hear when they use the toilet. While it may feel helpful to have these coping strategies, in the long term they serve to reinforce the idea that you should fear using the toilet or that your anxiety is warranted. The Best Self-Help Strategies for Social Anxiety Disorder Severity of Paruresis For some people, the fear involved in paruresis extends beyond public toilets to using those of friends or family, or even the one in your own home if there are visitors. The impact of paruresis can also range from mild to severe. If you have a mild problem, you are probably unable to urinate in certain circumstances but capable in others. If you have a more severe problem, you might only be able to use the toilet in your own home and when nobody else is visiting. Paruresis is generally a progressive problem, with fear increasing and generalizing over time to more locations. Unless you do something to manage your fear, it will get worse instead of better, placing ever more limits on your life. Treatment of Paruresis The most common form of treatment for paruresis is graduated exposure therapy. Other treatments include cognitive therapy and anti-anxiety medications. Although exposure therapy can be very effective, it is most useful if paruresis is a stand-alone problem and not part of a larger issue with social anxiety. How to Practice Exposure Therapy for Paruresis If you live with a number of social fears, treatment should address problems with self-esteem, self-confidence, and beliefs about your abilities. In addition, before you begin any psychological treatment for paruresis, physical causes should be ruled out by a medical professional. A Word From Verywell Although paruresis can be an embarrassing problem to deal with, through treatment, it is possible to learn to manage your anxiety so that it does not interfere with life on a daily basis. If you or someone you know is living with a fear of using public toilets, speak to your doctor about a referral to a mental health professional.
Friday, May 22, 2020
The Cunning and Deceitful Women of Homer’s Odyssey Essay
The Cunning and Deceitful Women of Homer’s Odyssey One of the most famous works from the early Greek era is Homer’s Odyssey. It details the journey home of a war hero, Odysseus. His homecoming entails many adventures, each presented as a separate episode that he must overcome. Though the varied episodes differ in terms of characters and settings, most are based on similar patterns of plot and theme. The themes that are most emphasized are forgetfulness, a willingness to risk pain for pleasure, and female temptation. When comparing the Sirens episode with much of Odysseus’ other adventures, one can observe an emergence and repetition of these themes. The most obvious comparison that can be drawn between the Sirens episode and most†¦show more content†¦Yet, one main difference is evident. Here Odysseus does not receive advice from anyone, rather he passes the challenge through wit and luck. Though Odysseus managed to avoid being tied into the web of the Sirens and the Lotus-eaters, he loses much time with both Calypso and Circe. Circe also draws men in with her songs, but it is her herbs, not the voice, that causes forgetfulness and turns them into beasts. â€Å"Singing with a sweet voice†¦into the mixture malignant drugs, to make them forgetful of their own country.†(10.221, 235-236) Once again it is advice, this time from Hermes, that allows Odysseus to save his men. â€Å"I will tell you all the malevolent guiles of Circe†(10.289) nbsp;The recurrence of help ful stranger, like Circe with the Sirens, is a common plot theme throughout Odyssey. Though he manages to avoid becoming swine, still he succumbs to Circe’s charms and resides on the island for a year. It is only the reminders of his men that bring to his mind the homecoming. â€Å"It is time to think about our own country.†(10.472) Circe is the only one who manages to draw Odysseus away from his homeland, though in the end, he does leave. When concentrating on the theme of forgetfulness, one notices many similarities, both thematic and plot, between the Sirens episode and others. Though the preoccupation of the Siren scene leans to forgetfulness, anotherShow MoreRelated Comparing the Deceitful Women of Homers Odyssey and the Bible1184 Words  | 5 PagesThe Deceitful Women of Homers Odyssey and the Bible Across all barriers, women have always brought pain, suffering, and aguish to the men as demonstrated in both Homers Odyssey and the Bible. With their beauty and grace, temptresses like the Sirens and Delilah lure men into their grasps, only to later steer them to their ruin. Other times, they use their cunning abilities and deception, as Circe and Jezebel did, in order to entice men into doing things that they normally would neverRead More The Women from The Odyssey, The Wife of Bath, and Sir Gawain1690 Words  | 7 PagesThe Women from The Odyssey, The Wife of Bath, and Sir Gawain      Until recently, the role of women in literature has seemed to reflect the way they were treated in society. Women were seen as secondary to men, and their sole purpose in life was to please a man’s every desire. This is not the case in three specific literary works. The Odyssey, The Wife of Bath, and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight use the actions of its women characters to greatly enhance important thematic elements. The womenRead MoreEssay on Deceptive Females of Homers Odyssey1613 Words  | 7 PagesThe Deceptive Females of Homers Odyssey    Homers Odyssey is probably the most famous and well-known epic of all time. This tale relates the adventures of the archetypal hero, Odysseus. Odysseus long journey home takes him to many different places where he encounters many different monsters and creatures, but there are certain recurrent elements throughout. The most common themes in the Odyssey are forgetfulness, willingness to risk pain for pleasure, and sexual temptation.  Read MoreThe Odyssey Telemachia2492 Words  | 10 PagesTHE ODYSSEY Ââ€" Books 1-4 1. The story of Agamemnon, Aegisthus, Orestes and Clytaemenstra is a recurring theme during these first 4 books of the odyssey. The references I have picked up on throughout the four books are as listed: - Book 1, page 4, Section 29-48. This is the first reference to the story of Agamemnon, Aegisthus, Orestes and Clytaemenstra. In this, it is at an assembly of gods in Zeus palace. Zeus, who would open discussion among them, was in thought of the handsome Aegisthus. ZeusRead MoreRole Of Women During Greek Literature1526 Words  | 7 PagesThe role of women in Greek literature has demoralized them and showing them in a maligned light. The women are portrayed as frail, cruel, insensitive, or as seductresses. These characteristics have been integrated into today’s society and [have] built the standards and defined the moral outlook of women. However, in Greek mythology, powerful and strong women are not as well celebrated, such as Athena. Homer’s The Odyssey construes the positive and negative role of women through the epic poem. TheRead MoreEssay on The Odyssey21353 Words  | 86 PagesThe Odyssey Set in ancient Greece, The Odyssey is about the hero Odysseus long-awaited return from the Trojan War to his homeland, Ithaca, after ten years of wandering. The current action of The Odyssey occupies the last six weeks of the ten years, and the narrative includes many places - Olympus, Ithaca, Pylos, Pherae, Sparta, Ogygia, and Scheria. 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Sunday, May 10, 2020
The Rise Of Sea Levels - 1110 Words
As we arrive into another new year the same environmental issues plague us, waiting for more to be made to change the way things are done. One particular issue is the rise of or current sea levels, and even more troublesome the fact that the rate is going faster than scientist expected and how much of a impact it will have on land and aquatic life. Studies show that scientist have tracked the seas levels throughout time but were unbothered due to the fact that the increase was by very minute changes. Scientist first began to realize the rise of sea levels during the 20th century, where concern began to increase. â€Å"Records and research shows that sea level rise has been rising at a rate of 0.04 to 0.1 inches per year (â€Å"Is sea level†2016). I believe that sea level rise is just one of the many causes of global warming. But more specifically sea level is said to be caused by â€Å"thermal expansion (caused by the warming of the oceans (since water expands as it warms) and land based ice (such as glaciers) due to increased melting)†(Gaffin, 2002) to me this is something to fear because it’s something that could directly affect people just like me, where we normally would see serious flooding. There are many Americans who live in coastal states whose futures in their current and children’s residences are greatly threatened â€Å"Two global models show that even if the concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere ad been stabilized in the year 2000, we are already committed toShow MoreRelatedThe Rise Of Sea Levels1011 Words  | 5 PagesResources Institute, Florida is the state most vulnerable to sea level rises, which is a direct effect of global warming. (Berry et al.) Whereas the global average of sea level rise hovers at about eight inches since the year 1870, Miami has seen a twelve-inch rise (5). As I’m sure you realize, this presents a serious danger to the residents of Miami, but also spells trouble for the rest of the state. Even if the issue of sea level rise was limited to the South Florida area, the effects would be feltRead MoreThe Rise Of Sea Levels1891 Words  | 8 PagesIntroduction: Sea levels have been on the rise ever since the start of the industrial revolution, some aspects of this rise are natural and some human induced. Sea level rise (SLR) has many different effects on global systems including, flooding, saltwater intrusion, salinity and density. These changes will ultimately effect around 40% of the world population, which live within about 100 kilometers of a coastline (Union of Concerned Scientist, 2011). These increased effects will put millions ofRead MoreSea Level Rise Paper869 Words  | 4 PagesSea-level rise (SLR) is primarily driven by glacial melt and thermal expansion of ocean water and has been accelerated due to the increased warming of the global climate due to increased atmospheric greenhouse gas emissions (Dolan Walker 2006, Mcleod 2010). Although SLR estimates continue to become more accurate, uncertainties regarding the timing and quantity of SLR remain (Mcleod et al. 2010). Global estimates can only provide insights to raise awaren ess of the problem, regional studies are neededRead MoreThe Importance Of Sea Level Rise762 Words  | 4 PagesRather than focusing on the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, like climate mitigation, climate change adaptation focuses on bracing for, managing, and counteracting to impacts of present and future climate transformations. Sea level rise (SLR) is forecasted to advance throughout the Northeast USA, increasing coastal flooding, susceptibility to storm impacts, and decrease of coastal marsh areas. This is concerning as, presently, over 40 million people reside in coastal shoreline countiesRead MoreSea Level Rise And Its Impact On Coastal Zones1420 Words  | 6 PagesSea-Level Rise and Its Impact on Coastal Zones: Planning for Sea Level Rise in the Matanzas Basin (168-226): Sea-level rise will cause many issues among human development as well as different species. The article established many regions in Flagler and St. Johns County which presents future trends on outcomes from species degradation or housing development/population. The maps range from St. Augustine Shores to Palm Coast. It tells about the areas which would be either highly migrated speciesRead MoreThe Effects that Sea Level Rise Will Have on Humans2527 Words  | 10 PagesChapter One: Introduction 1.1 Overview. Sea level rise is a growing issue that is currently affecting the world as we know it. Due to the continually rising of greenhouse gases emissions in many continents across the world, it has now faced us with this significant problem. As these greenhouse emissions are being released into the atmosphere and damaging it, it results in the prolonged effect in the rise of global temperatures in which results in the devastating issue that has affected many countriesRead MoreEssay on Climate Change and The Rise in Sea Level 2044 Words  | 9 PagesOn a recent afternoon, Scott McKenzie watched torrential rains and a murky tide swallow the street outside his dog-grooming salon. Within minutes, much of this stretch of chic South Beach was flooded ankle-deep in a fetid mix of rain and sea. â€Å"Welcome to the new Venice,†McKenzie joked as salt water surged from the sewers. ----- Michael J. Mishak, Associated Press June 7, 2014 at 4:24 PM EDT According to the World Bank Development Report 2013 there has been an increase in global surfaceRead MoreSea Level Rise And Coastal Flooding Analysis3207 Words  | 13 PagesA part of the Current Research Focus Climate Change, Sea-level Rise (SLR) and Coastal Flooding (CF), Norfolk State University proposed a collaborative effort between the natural sciences and social sciences to examine the perceptions and attitudes of African Americans in the Hampton Roads area to both sea-level rise and coastal flooding. As a sociologist on the collaborative team, analyzing racial dynamics and perceptions of marginalized populations is critical to understanding under-served communitiesRead MoreEssay on The Effects of Sea Level Rise Caused by Climate Change932 Words  | 4 Pagesyeah, and did I mention that Kiribati will most likely cease to exist by the time the century is up? Kiribati is only 2 metres above sea level at its highest point, making it one of the world’s most vulnerable nations to the effects of sea level rise caused by climate change. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change made a prediction in 2007 that global sea-rise would be as much as 0.8 metres by the end of the century. Other scientific studies suggest that the increase will be as much as 1.9Read MoreClimate change and the loss heritage Antarctic’s ice melt and accelerating sea level rise, the1600 Words  | 7 PagesClimate change and the loss heritage Antarctic’s ice melt and accelerating sea level rise, the growing number of large wildfires, intense heat wave shocks, severe drought and blizzards, disrupted and decreased food supply, and extreme storm events are increasing to happen in many areas world wide and these are just some of the consequences of global warming. The fossil fuel we burn for energy coal, natural gas, and oil plus the loss of forests due to disforestation, in the southern hemisphere are
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Merchants of the Renaissance Free Essays
This following three page essay is about merchants. I will be describing of how merchants affected the Renaissance,what merchants did, what merchants sold. And so on. We will write a custom essay sample on Merchants of the Renaissance or any similar topic only for you Order Now The merchants in the renaissance really helped out because there were a lot of them and they were all over the place. There were many items that merchants sold during the renaissance. A lot of the merchants sold different I items. A lot of merchants sold same items. And some merchants sold very different items. The items that almost or all merchants sold were salt, sugar, glass, silk, gold, money, cinnamon, and weapons. Sometimes merchants sold cattle. There were merchants that were also very rich and actually had enough money to make the city they lived in more beautiful. To make the city they lived in they put paintings, bushes, flowers, statues, and much more items that made the city more beautiful. Those people that made the city more beautiful were well known and famous. Florence became a better city during the Renaissance because of its lines of communication to the world around it. In the late Middle Ages, the city became important as a crossroads for wool traders. Giovanni and Cosimo de Medici used banking to make Florence a crossroads for finance. With these connections made, Florence became a crossroads for ideas. The city was opened up to the ideals and philosophies of distant lands, and absorbed these into the writing and art it produced. That art then flowed freely outward to the rest of Italy and the European continent. The Medici maintained the stability of these connections through financial and political means. The connection they established with the Papacy was particularly beneficial to both Florence and Rome. The two cities, which might have otherwise been rivals, mutually developed under the spirit of cooperation during the Renaissance. The bankers like the Medici and other businessmen such as wool merchants of Florence provided the money to support artists such as Da Vinci and Michelangelo during the renaissance. Without rich people paying the artists, the Renaissance would not have been so beautiful and amazing paintings, sculptures, and architecture. How to cite Merchants of the Renaissance, Papers
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
The Pros and Cons of the Internet Essay Example
The Pros and Cons of the Internet Essay As we progress into the twenty-first century, we take along one of the greatest icons of the previous century – the internet. When the internet came into existence in the late 1900s, it revolutionized the way we did things. Since then, some people have been saying that the internet does more harm than good. However, I beg to differ and in my opinion, the internet has brought about more good than harm. Firstly, the internet has brought us a great amount of convenience. It saves us a tremendous amount of time and effort. Where in the past, we would need to personally stand in line and waste an invaluable amount of time, now, the internet enables us to complete tasks in the comfort of one spot. We can make bank transactions in front of the computer and even order food from the internet instead of spending hours queueing up at a bank and a fast food restaurant respectively. We can do this anywhere, anytime. Also, the amount of information that can be found on the internet is quite limitless. It also helps us save money. We can search for information on a whole myriad of things ranging from the recipe of an apple pie to instructions for learning French. We need not pay for a course on how to learn French or bake apple pies when there are many websites which can aid us in those. We will write a custom essay sample on The Pros and Cons of the Internet specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Pros and Cons of the Internet specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Pros and Cons of the Internet specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Furthermore, the internet helps us save space. It is the bookshop, Global Positioning System, Yellow Pages, and encyclopedia, among other search mediums, all rolled into one. We need not own books and encyclopedias, piles of recipe books or thousands of gadgets anymore. The business section of the Yellow Pages is made redundant because all we need to do now is to type the name of the shop we are looking for, and all the information including a contact number will be available. All we need is access to the internet. Everything is online. It is not all rosy though. The internet does bring about some vices too. Because of the multitude of information out there,
Friday, March 20, 2020
Using the Spanish Verb Tocar
Using the Spanish Verb Tocar The core meaning of the Spanish verb tocar is to touch. In fact, both words come from the Latin verb toccare. Common Meaning of Tocar Probably the most common meaning of both tocar and touch is to refer to physical contact between things or persons. Some examples of the word used this way in Spanish: Tocà ³ los dedos de su esposa, flojos y calientes. (He touched his wifes weak and warm fingers.)Cuando el avià ³n tocà ³ tierra los pasajeros aplaudieron. (When the plane touched ground, the passengers applauded.)No tocaron el està ©reo. (They didnt touch the stereo.) This meaning is sometimes figurative: Los ciudadanos son ms pobres y aà ºn no han tocado fondo. (The citizens are poorer, and they still havent hit bottom.)Espera con paciencia su momento para tocar el cielo. (She is waiting patiently for her time to touch to the sky.) As with the English touch, tocar can be used as a euphemism to refer to sexual contact: Él me decà a que lo nuestro era platà ³nico, y no me tocaba. (He would tell me that our relationship was platonic, and he didnt touch me.)Desde nià ±a me tocaba, y el repulsivo me ofrecà a dinero para que me acostara con à ©l. (Since I was a girl he touched me, and the creep would offer me money to sleep with him.) Using Tocar With Indirect Objects When tocar is used with an indirect object, it can refer to the turn or responsibility of the person who is the indirect object. The exact translation depends on the context:  ¿A quià ©n le toca? (Whose turn is it? Whose job is it?)El mià ©rcoles de esa semana me toca trabajar. (On Wednesday of that week its my responsibility to work.)Nos toca pagar. (Its our turn to pay. Its up to us to pay.) The same can be done when tocar means to affect a person emotionally. In this way, tocar can behave much like the verb gustar. El blues es la mà ºsica que ms me toca el corazà ³n. (Blues is the music that most touches my heart. In this sentence, the direct object is el corazà ³n, while me is functioning as an indirect object.)La actriz digo que la realizacià ³n de este film le tocà ³ emocionalmente. (The actress said that the making of this film touched her emotionally.)Le tocaba el alma la cancià ³n de Navidad. (The Christmas song touched his soul.) Other Meanings of Tocar The other meaning of tocar that is extremely common in Spanish is to play a musical instrument or similar item. For example: La guitarra es uno de los instrumentos ms fciles de aprender a tocar. (The guitar is one of the easiest instruments to learn to play.)Voy a darme un baà ±o y luego tocarà © el piano. (Im going to take a bath and later Ill play the piano.)A la muerte de Susana, se tocaron las campanas de todas las iglesias. (When Susana died, they rang the bells of all the churches.) When referring to someones speaking or writing, tocar can mean to touch on. El presidente no tocà ³ el tema de Irak. (The president didnt touch on the subject of Iraq.)Los Monty Python tocaron todos los gà ©neros del humor. (Monty Python touches on all types of humor.) Tocar can be used so that its subject represents something that is given to someone: Le tocà ³ la loterà a. (He won the lottery.)Le ha tocado un tiempo muy difà cil. (He had been given a very rough time.) Tocar also is used in some set phrases or idioms: Por lo que a mà me toca (as far as Im concerned) ¡Toca madera! (Touch wood!)Tocar de cerca (to have a close relationship with someone, or to be very familiar with a subject)Tocarle a alguien bailar con la ms fea (to be expected to do something very difficult or disagreeable) Conjugation of Tocar Tocar is conjugated irregularly in spelling but not pronunciation. The c is changed to qu when followed by the e. For example, the first-person preterite form is toquà © (meaning I touched), and the present subjunctive forms follow the pattern of toque, toques, toquemos, etc. Key Takeaways The Spanish verb tocar comes from the same source as the English verb touch and often has that meaning. Among many other meanings, it is also used for to play a musical instrument.When it means to be emotionally touching or to refer to taking turns, tocar is used with an indirect-object pronoun.Tocar is conjugated regularly in terms of pronunciation, but the c of the stem changes to qu when it comes before an e in conjugated forms.
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
Deciphering 7 Job Ad Phrases and What They Really Mean
Deciphering 7 Job Ad Phrases and What They Really Mean Sometimes reading a job description is a bit like trying to decipher The Matrix. While some phrases are literal, others are more cryptic, leaving you to wonder, â€Å"Is this really the right job for me?†This handy crib sheet can help you understand what employers really mean when they write job descriptions. 1. â€Å"Multitasking†â€Å"Multitasking†sounds like a great skill, right? Being recognized for your ability to do many things at once is, on the surface, a positive one. However, while the job description may simply mean that you will be expected to balance, prioritize, and complete work in order of importance, it can also have an underlying meaning: that your employer will expect you to do anything and everything - whether or not it actually falls under the roles and responsibilities of your job.If you like to have understanding of what your job will entail, and prefer to stay within those guidelines, then the â€Å"multitasking†keyword may set off alarm bells for you.2. â€Å"Team Player†In our increasing era of collaboration, the need for team players goes without saying. So what does it mean when a job description highlights this fact? Along the same lines as â€Å"multitasking,†this may cloak what employers are really looking for: someone to do the dirty work in the form of the department’s most untenable work. Or, you may be asked to put aside your own work to help a teammate who dropped the ball. Over time, this can become a major frustration.3. â€Å"Entrepreneurial†Entrepreneurial skills are highly prized in today’s business world. While some companies may be looking for movers and shakers, others may be cloaking an unclear or irregular job description.Rather than being given a firm set of responsibilities, you may be expected to intuit where you need to be and when, which can be a recipe for disaster in uncertain situations.4. â€Å"A Fast-Paced Job Environment†This one m ay sound like a thrilling opportunity. After all, who wants a job that’s slow and boring? But this description may be a hidden warning that you’ll be working in a pressure-packed environment. While this may work for you if tight deadlines and frenetic work hours help keep you motivated, if you prefer a more stable environment, think twice.5. â€Å"Must have a good sense of humor†A sense of humor is an addition to any office, but that goes without saying. However, if a good sense of humor is requisite for the job - and the job doesn’t involve working in comedy club - then more likely than not this may indicate that the company culture leans toward the off, unusual, inappropriate, or even alienating.It may also mean that they are looking for an employee who will laugh in the face of adversity†¦and thereby that adversity exists.6. â€Å"Perfect for stay-at-home moms and students.†Stay-at-home moms and students may be looking for flexible hours, so job descriptions which put these words front and center may be particularly appealing to them. However, this may also be a way of suggesting that both experience requirements and pay are minimal.Many people in need of part-time work are also willing to work for less so the competition may be surprisingly steep.7. â€Å"Passionate†It’s good to be committed to your job, but not if â€Å"passionate†means â€Å"willing to work for much less to do what you love.†It may also mean that an employer expects candidates to be willing to put their jobs above all other commitments.As the competition for the best candidates becomes fiercer, employers are getting savvy about crafting job descriptions that catch the attention of potential applicants. Savvy applicants, meanwhile, can be prepared to decode job description lingo and find a job description that matches their expectations when it comes to a real-world job.
Monday, February 17, 2020
What strategies can policy makers employ to promote successful policy Essay
What strategies can policy makers employ to promote successful policy implementation Policies, policy makers and connection with history - Essay Example This process actually involves the translation of the objectives of the policy into the system. It has three basic elements which include creating responsibility or an agency who would handle this new responsibility. Secondly, there needs to be operational rules and guidelines for the policy program and personnel and resources need to be coordinated so that the intent of the policy is achieved. Thesis statement Policy implementation is the next step after adoption of a policy and they make or break the policy. There will be no effect on society if the policy is never implemented; however this is a complex procedure that has many facets and ingredients for success. Policy implementation Policies also have certain intended and unintended effects. Intended effects are those that aim to seek out a positive benefit from a policy and this could also be one of the ways that policies actually avoid the negative effects. That is why there is a standard and policy makers will always compare th eir policy against the standard to see whether it is above or below the par. An example could include the policy the State of California implemented which led to the increase in use of hybrid cars. The Federal Law provided tax cuts worth $1500 as well as special lanes to hybrid vehicles which led to an increase in the use of hybrid cars and this led to a positive effect or an intended effect. The government created an effect by taking an action which was the policy even though the option of ‘high-occupancy vehicle lanes’ is not available for new hybrid vehicles. (Suleiman, 1984) Negative side effects that are not intended are called ‘unintended’ and they are usually because policy making systems are usually complex. They may set the tax rate so high or so low that this deters money from the economy. Therefore the policy implementation fine combs the policy actions so that these unintended effects are taken care of; however it is impossible to remove the ent ire negative effects while implementation. (Yates, 1977) Policy making as aforementioned is the part where the government actually carries out and executes a particular policy that is adopted when it is required by the law or otherwise. The different agencies that are responsible for the respective policy areas come together and are given the formal responsibility for implementing the policy and this is usually the stage when the bill is no longer a bill but becomes a law. Once the government has made a public policy such as a rule, law, edict, statute or any regulation, the policy must be executed and monitored, administered and then it should be forced upon society so that it brings about the change that policy makers desire it to. The agency that is responsible for implementation is given the desired resources and the power to allow the new policy to be implemented smoothly, however this is usually not the case. But why is public policy implemented in the first place? Public poli cies are implemented so that there is some change in the population so that a certain public problem is resolved or at least ameliorated at the very least. The problem will continue to exist until the policy is carried out and once the policy is implemented, it will be evaluated to see if the results that were desired are being obtained and further revision and implantation can take place. Agencies of administration will carry out most of the work of the government and so they have an impact on the citizens of the county and are involved in policy implementa
Monday, February 3, 2020
The Main Factors For An Economic Growth Term Paper
The Main Factors For An Economic Growth - Term Paper Example At this point, the following problem appears: how can investment benefit quickly the local economy if bureaucracy sets obstacles in the completion of the relevant processes? From this point of view, it could be stated that the effects of investment on economic growth are not standardized. Investment contributes to economic growth but the terms of the success of the relevant plans are depended on a series of factors, such as the local regulations, meaning especially the laws on investment, the availability of sources, the political and social stability and so on. Another factor which can also affect economic growth is the human capital. Nijkamp notes that the term ‘human capital’ can be used for describing the workforce, i.e. those involved in the production processes of the local economy. There is no differentiation between locals and foreigners, meaning that human capital would also include expatriates who are asked to participate in the business projects developed within a particular country. However, when referring to ‘human capital’ as influencing economic growth, it would be preferable to consider a particular team of persons: the locals who are able and willing to be engaged in the business activities developed across their country. From this point of view, the value of ‘human capital’ within a specific country can be influenced by the education and training available to people of different age and gender. Human capital is not directly related to the macroeconomic conditions of each country.... Investment, in any case, contributes in economic growth but the terms of success of the relevant plans are depended on a series of factors, such as the local regulations, meaning especially the laws on investment, the availability of sources, the political and social stability and so on. Another factor which can also affects economic growth is the human capital. Nijkamp (2010) notes that the term ‘human capital’ can be used for describing the workforce, i.e. those involving in the production processes (products and services) of the local economy. There is no differentiation between locals and foreigners, meaning that human capital would also include expatriates who are asked to participate in the business projects developed within a particular country. However, when referring to ‘human capital’ as influencing economic growth, it would be preferable to consider a particular team of persons: the locals who are able and willing to be engaged in the business act ivities developed across their country. From this point of view, the value of ‘human capital’ within a specific country can be influenced by the education and training available to people of different age and gender (Nijkamp 43). Human capital, as a term used in the explanation of economic growth, is not directly related to the macroeconomic conditions of each country; however, its existence and its quality is reflected in these conditions. For example, a high GDP level would indicate that people across the country are appropriately educated and trained, supporting the growth of their organization, as this growth result also in the growth of the economy. From a similar point of view, it is noted that the promotion of research and
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Proposal for Reality Show
Proposal for Reality Show Melody gear Logline: Thirty simple Australians battle for a chance to get a recording deal with one of the world’s leading music production houses, Sony music. Pitch: Genre: reality Target audience: teens/adults/family Thirty adults are picked from the entire country through auditions. The adults are picked based on their competition to sing and perform to a live audience. Three professional musicians from different genres proceed over the auditions. All Australian citizens are given a fair to chance to participate in the study. The auditions take place for a period of three months countrywide. The initial number of contestants is one thousand two hundred. These people qualified for the first auditions. They are further subjected to more auditions to reduce the number of participants to six hundred contents. The process continuous until the number of participants is down to thirty participants. The process of auditioning is long enough to allow the audience to identify themselves with the participant before the main auditioning starts. The final participants are trained for a period of three weeks before the competition is now aired on Australian broadcasting corporation. The training helps the participants of the competition who will be the characters in the reality show to know how to act in public. The public is involved in the process of selecting the contestants that remain in the house. The thirty contestants are then put in a house that will be their home for the next couple of months. They are provided with all requirements that they will need during the reality show. The thirty contestants are trained on weekdays on various music aspects that help them to compete during the weekends. All the contestants perform a music that is chosen by their musical directors. They perform the song on Saturdays to a live audience. The best performers on Saturdays go back to the house while the poor performers are put on probation. The contestants that are put on probation are expected to perform the following week on Saturday. Four contestants are put on probation simultaneously. They are given a second chance to perform and impress the judges. After their performance, one of the contestants on probation loses their position and is evicted from the house. The fellow contestants have the privilege of saving one of the contestants that are put on probation. The judges save one contestant and the public saves one more contestant. The contestant left out is evicted from the house. The show will air two times in a week for a period forty-five minutes each. The reality show will be hosted by a famous celebrity and will be cohosted by another celebrity of the opposite sex. This aspect is expected to attract the attention of both sexes unlike the programs that are only watched by one of the sexes.The show will attract teenagers, adults and the whole family at large. The audience will have the option of choosing which participant remains in the competition .the audience will decide who will eventually win the competition. To: Australian television network From: media commentator Date: 27 February 2014 Subject: Program pitch proposal Introduction Television industry is a very significant industry to the economy and to the public(Allen Hill, 2004). For instance, candidates for public office use money to create and air television commercials, which in turn build name recognition, promote their issues, and attack their opponents. Television advertising in this environment influences the agenda-setting, learning and voting phases of election campaigns. The commercials of other products such as detergents, household equipment and institutions among other products and services normally utilize the same strategies.The television industry is today an instrument for imposing ideologies on the population it serves. Television influences behaviour through the symbols and messages they broadcast. A single thirty-minuteprogram can take months to produce, starting with research into the target audience and what excites or attracts their attention. Every image and every word is carefully chosen to achieve the best representation of the pro duct and the get the viewer’s interest(Australian Broadcasting Corporation, 2000). Television programsare the art and science of impact. Program producers always aim at ensuring that their target audience do not critically think about their programs. They want the message to slip in underneath the radar of critical judgment to achieve the greatest results (Jacka Dolin, 2007). Therefore, advertisers will always make use of emotional messages and images. They also take advantage of the brain’s unconscious processing.Scriptwriters have learnt that there are highly effective techniques they can use with great skill to motivate the audience to alter the way they feel about the programs being aired. If they are successful, the audience will without being aware that they have been influenced, change the way they behave. This process is blind but the manipulators of the process are not. The most effective television programs create an emotional state. Television programs geared towards specific target audience is often visual, interactive, employs catchy slogans, uses celebrities to pitch the products, and is simple yet effective in its language(Holmes Jermyn, 2004). Televised viewing disclosures are supposedly designed to supply consumers with important information for decision-making. Television has the power to persuade since it has features that appeal to our senses. This appeal comes from sound, movement, vision and colour thereby attracting the eye. Television also has a psychological, sociological and visual impact on the young.Due to the above reasons, television industry is a very significant section of the Australian system. It allows the manufactures of goods to display their products to the public. Television industry lubricates productivity by ensuring that buyers meet sellers. In addition, television viewing maintains the culture of a society through the airing of cultural programs. The cultural programs contain val ues that are embraced by the people in the society.The television network in Australia currently comprises of programs that have huge followings by one of the sexes. The programs have either a huge male following or a huge male following. The resulting outcome is that none of the programs has a huge following from the entire Australian population. The industry has therefore no much influence on the citizens of the country. Problem statement The Australian television network is facing increased competition from online digital sources. Technology allows people to stream television networks that are offered in other countries(Skeggs Wood, 2012). Aussies are constantly embracing television programs that are produced in Hollywood. For instance, several online webpage traffic watchers in 2014 indicated that the most watched television program was game of thrones. The program is an epic television program that is developed in Hollywood in the United States.The most watched comedy was reported to be modern family, a program that is also a Hollywood production. The television industry in Australia therefore needs to introduce a new program in their major television network(Turner, 2005). This practice will enable the television network to get more viewers and overcome the international competition.The television network has the advantage of having local actors that they can use in their production. The audience will identify themselves with the local actors.However, the television network will need to come up with an interesting program that will embraced by the entire Aussies population. Reality show choice There has been an increasing interest in reality television shows globally. The genre has the ability of attracting a huge audience. The audience is emotionally attached to the characters of their choice that are in the reality shows(Deaville, 2011).The most interesting fact about reality television shows is the fact that nobody knows the final winner. Both the audience and the producers of the show do not know who is going to be the final winner of the competition. This is because the audience through a valid online voting scheme that is vetted by top statistical organizations determines the final winners(Murray Ouellette, 2004). Furthermore, the contestants are exposed to a range of circumstances to find out how they handle different issues that may arise(Kraidy Sender, 2011). The subsequent interesting fact that sets reality shows above other genres in television programs is the love relationships that are developed by the contestants while they are in the house. The audience is intensively attracted to such relationships and therefore increases their viewing of the program(In Slade, In Narro, In Buchanan, 2014). After the production of the show, people will watch the program for different reasons. True fans of music will watch melody gear because they have a passion of music and hence want to see a good competition between the contesters(Kopp Dawson, 2013). A section of the audience will be attracted to the drama that takes place in the house. For instance, several competitors may develop a serious competition between them and the audience will be attracted to the actions that these contestants will take while they are in the house. Competitive Edge of Melody Gear Since the online streaming requires the services of an internet service producer, the internet service providers in Australia should come up with policies where streaming melody gear will be charged at a very cheaper rate that will allow the people to stream the show at a cheaper rate than the international content. The Australian television network should also approach a programming developer that will come up with an application that will enable the people to stream from their internet enabled devices and not just the conventional desktop computers. The Australian television network should use the following concepts to get a competitive edge against the international online digital streaming content. Currently, the audience can only give their feedback via computers. However, majority of the customers use internet-enabled devices such as smartphones and tablets often than they use computers. There is hence need to develop a mobile application that will enable the audience to watch melody gear from their Internet enabled devices. The proposed mobile application will provide real time processing services. These services will enable several audiences to interact with the system at the same time and get all their feedbacks on claims quickly (Raasch, 2012). The system will employ distributed processing capabilities. These capabilities will make customers interact with the system in such a way that they will think the system is on their computer. They will not be aware that the system is distributed a concept that means other audiences are also accessing the system The new mobile application will require the Australian television network to adjust its website design. This is mainly because the mobile application requires that the website being accessed be responsive so that the customers can get all the programs on the website. Failure to adjust the process would increase the chances of failure of the new program proposed Cochran. (2006). A good responsive design allows the television network to gauge and change centered on the device it is seen from without creating separate sites. Content focused site is the second aspect that will be considered during design of the mobile application. There is a strong positive connection between a superior focus on content and the upsurge use of receptive websites. The site will provide a good web experience for customers. The third trend is increasing custom typography. The typography has been a trend over the past years. It places emphasis of type in mobile web design. Fourthly, a simple flat design should be used. The design tends to use fewer colors and avoids textures, gradients, and shadows. As the web becomes responsive companies should opt for simple designs with flat design elements. Single page scrolling sites is the fifth trend. This trend allows visitors to find everything that they are looking for in the same page. The sixth trend is video usage. The Australian television network should increase the broadband internet speeds and use novel web technologies like HTML5 video. These two practices will increase online video usage. The audience will have the option to send and view television episodes to their friends that do not have internet access. A larger layout, photography, video material, and designs will be available on the mobile application. This trend will help the Australian utilize screen real estate on large screens and escalate usability on lesser displays. The final trend is scalable vector graphics and other vector images. The company needs images that are large enough to look good on large displays. This aspect should however not increase the load times for visitors accessing the site on a mobile device. Vector images however do not provide scalability of photographs. Future designs of vector images are expected to allow the vector images to provide for scalability of photographs (McWherter, 2012). The websites act as a platform for the television network to meet the audience directly. Therefore, the mobile application has to provide a favorable platform for the feedback to take place. A good web design of Australian television network will attract more audience and therefore increase the revenue of the business (Fling, 2009). The fact that the audience can give their feedback and get prompt responses from the website will increase customer satisfaction. The customers will find the process to be convenient and timesaving and will, therefore, choose to watch the program through the mobile application developed and interact with other viewers on the contents of the show. The mobile application would enable faster transfer of information between the audience and the television network. Customers would make their claims, and they would be able to get feedback quicker than the current system. The processes that will be available on the mobile application are not limited. Customers would be able to access all the services with huge convenience that would translate to a higher customer satisfaction level. After adjusting the Australiantelevision network website, the mobile application would now have higher chances of success and hence melody gear will be accessible easily. The mobile application process would follow the stages of system development. All the current inefficiencies will be identified. This process can be achieved by interviewing the audience (Neighbor, Ramsay, Australian Broadcasting Corporation, ABC-TV (Australia), 2002). The new system requirements are defined. The proposed system is then configured to incorporate all the specified requirements. The system is then developed and tested in pilot phases. The pilot phases are significant since it allows the television network to return to the previous system in the event of failure of the new structure. Once the mobile application is up and running, it should be maintained regularly and exhaustively evaluated (McLean-Conner, 2006). Audience The program will attract teenagers, adults and the whole family. The program will be aired at eight in the evening. It will be a rated parental guidance and therefore can be viewed by the whole family(Ouellette, 2013). This aspect will enable the program to attract a huge audience. However, the program would also be aired late in the night at eleven. The content aired at the time would include the love relationships and other adult themes. This move will be to attract the adults while maintaining the standards of television viewing. Majority of the children are often sound asleep at the time and would therefore not have access to this adult version of the program. Challenges Reality television requires a lot partnership with several stakeholders to guarantee success. The Australian television network will therefore need to come with favorable policies while developing the program to ensure its success. The reality show also costs more than other genres hence a sufficient amount of funds and time would be required. Adjusting the website to allow users to stream efficiently from smartphones is time consuming. Recommendations The simultaneous adoption of the program pitch and the adjustment of the Australian television network will guarantee the success of melody gear. The program would win back the audience from the international content. The Australiannetwork should collaborate with IINET to reduce the internet charges required in streaming melody gear and other local content. IINET is one of the leading internet providers in Australia. The partnership between the two organizations will reduce the charges that Aussies will incur while streaming melody gear. This trend will increase the viewers for the program and hence the network would achieve its intended purpose of winning back the audience from online digital streaming competitors. References Allen,R.C., Hill,A. (2004). The television studies reader. London: Routledge. Australian Broadcasting Corporation. (2000). National Broadband Network. Ultimo, N.S.W: Author. Brian Fling. (2009). Mobile Design and Development: Practical concepts and techniques for creating mobile sites and web apps. OReilly Media, Inc. Craig Cochran. (2006). Becoming a Customer-focused Organization. Paton Professional. Deaville,J.A. (2011). Music in television: Channels of listening. New York: Routledge. Holmes,S., Jermyn,D. (2004). Understanding reality television. London: Routledge. In Slade,A., In Narro,A.J., In Buchanan,B.P. (2014). Reality television: Oddities of culture. Jacka,L., Dolin,T. (2007). Australian television history. Perth, W.A: Network Books. Jeff McWherter. (2012). Professional Mobile Application Development. John Wiley Sons. Jon Raasch. (2012). Smashing Mobile Web Development. John Wiley Sons. Kopp,M., Dawson,M. (2013). Reality television. Minneapolis, MN: Core Library. Kraidy,M.M., Sender,K. (2011). The politics of reality television: Global perspectives. London: Routledge. Murray,S., Ouellette,L. (2004). Reality TV: Remaking television culture. New York: New York University Press. Neighbour,S., Ramsay,M., Australian Broadcasting Corporation, ABC-TV (Australia). (2002). The network. Nigel Hill., Greg Roche, Rachel Allen. (2007). Customer Satisfaction: The Customer Experience through the Customers Eyes. The Leadership Factor. Ouellette,L. (2013). A companion to reality television. Penni McLean-Conner. (2006). Customer Service: Utility Style: Proven Strategies for Improving Customer Service and Reducing Customer Care Costs. PennWell Books. Sender,K. (2012). The makeover: Reality television and reflexive audiences. New York: New York University Press. Skeggs,B., Wood,H. (2012). Reality television and class. London: Palgrave Macmillan. Turner,G. (2005). Ending the affair: The decline of television current affairs in Australia. Sydney, NSW: UNSW Press.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Analysis of Bbc at the Time of Greg Dyke
EMBA Organisational Behaviour Coursework – Analysis of BBC 1. Analyse the culture of the BBC at the time that Dyke took over. To what degree is it facilitating the success of the BBC? The BBC was set up in 1922 as a public service broadcaster. The BBC quickly became a household name and played a part in shaping British culture. Company culture is the values and beliefs shared by the members of a ‘group’ and the BBC is a ‘group’ which has both internal (BBC employees) and external (general public) members.The BBC is financed by a TV license fee paid by each household and represents the cultural artefacts: the concrete aspect of the BBC which is its ability to maintain its ‘independence and impartiality’ (Keys, 2006) due to public funding and a not for public service ethos. The BBC’s biggest critic: the UK press, are always at the helm of every attack and question over the quality – guarding the BBC on behalf of every person. The public values and principles that the BBC is based on were publically declared by the first director general.The BBC’s role was in ‘inform, educate and entertain’ and to ‘bring the best of everything to the greatest number of homes’ (Keys, 2006) and this became the espoused values for BBC culture. The culture of the BBC is so deeply ingrained in its employees that Dyke commented that what the BBC ‘does has enormous value and helps to define culture. People work at the BBC because of this value. Their commitment to the BBC, not necessarily to management, is very strong-at a level other companies would only dream of’ (Keys, 2006).These basic underlying assumptions of unconscious commitment to the organisation result in an unwillingness to tolerate change, whether good or bad, as it is an unconscious belief that it is interfering with the national heritage that belongs to each and every British person. The BBC culture is so strong that it has the ability to transport the general public on the same journey as its employees. They to, feel that the BBC is national heritage that they own a little piece of. It has a strong external identity of independence and impartiality which creates a sense of nshakable commitment by many employees that what they do is more than a job. When Dyke took over the BBC it had been through a period of cost cuts, staff cuts, implementation of new management controls and the formation of an internal market for services. While the new structure and aggressive cuts left the organisations morale low, the managerial reforms had not affected the core culture which under pinned the ethos of those who worked for the BBC. There was a strong belief by BBC employees ‘that what they achieved, they achieved despite management’ (Keys, 2006).This strong culture had facilitated continued success through a period of uncertainty for both employees, during cuts and managerial reforms, and the ge neral public, during a period of technological advancement in the digital space. However, with strong cultures can come dysfunctions and the BBC shows warring factions of low levels of agreement (with management) but high levels of intensity (believing they achieve without management) which if not addressed could become a barrier to future success. 2. What source of power does Dyke have? How do you predict he will manage in the upcoming political battles that he faces?Dyke has three forms of power: decision making, symbolic power and process power. One of the main sources of decision making power is the formal power of authority. Charisma is one of the forms of authority and Dyke is described by his own friends as ‘commercial, colourful and charismatic’. People with decision making power have the ability to inspire and to attract followers and this can be supported by Carolyn Fairbairn, director of strategy and distributions description that those who knew him ‘we re excited [by] his reputation as an inspiring leader†¦ who was instinctive†¦.. (Keys, 2006). Dyke’s showed symbolic power in his method of gaining a sound understanding of the business situation in his first weeks in post. Dyke undertook an extended ‘walkabout’ away from the BBC’s corporate centre in London in a bid to get to the grass roots of the business. He met with employees and asked ‘How can I make a difference? ’ and he listened to what people had to say and did not express any opinions. He also quickly gained respect at the top of the organisation using similar tactics and Mark Byford described what he really liked about ‘†¦ im and me is we talk a lot about the wider BBC together, not just World services. He doesn’t say everything he does is right, he asks, ‘what do you think’. ’ On his appointment Dyke was not a popular choice as Director-General only gaining his position on a 7-5 vote so his ability to influence at all levels was important. Those with symbolic power can change people’s understanding of a situation so that they adopt your goals as their own. Dyke’s process power due to his formal status held in the organisation hierarchy allows him to be able to stop/start or influence processes in order to achieve a desired outcome.Immediately after starting, Dyke launched an organisational review of the broadcast division and he later extended this to the whole of the BBC (Keys, 2006). Dyke’s process power is strong due to his position as Director General and his previous experience. Dyke’s ability to change peoples’ understanding of a situation and move them in the direction of his own goals, his charisma and ability to influence higher and lower in the hierarchy, and his innate understanding of the process of running a media company set him in a strong position to manage the upcoming political battles that he faces.Gaining t rust is essential after the tabloid attack due to share issues and history of working in the private sector. While Dyke is able to overcome these issues it is essential that he is transparent at all times and shows empathy to the public service ethos on which the BBC is based. 3. The organisational members that Dyke encountered on his walkabout were â€Å"despondent, down, and dismayed†. What underlying problems contributed to this lack of motivation?Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory can be used to analyse the underlying problems which caused the BBC employees to feel ‘despondent, down and dismayed’. Herzberg suggests that motivation will be enhanced by maximising the motivator factors and minimising the hygiene factors (Stilbiger, 2005). There are three main categories people can sit within an organisation when referring to overall motivation: a) dissatisfied and de-motivated, b) not dissatisfied but not motivated and c) positively satisfied and motivated.To m ove those who reside under categories a) or b) it is essential to understand what hygiene and motivational factors are lacking and attempt to rebuild. On Dyke’s ‘walkabout’ of the BBC outside of London it became apparent that when he asked the question ‘how can I make a difference? ’ that the issues were ‘pathetically’ small. The hygiene factors such as ‘fix the roof, get new paint’ were provided by employees (Keys, 2006). Maslow’s hierarchy of needs also explains why tangible issues such as ‘fix the roof, get new paint’ are important to having motivation.Maslow refers to these needs as safety needs and unless you have ‘biological, physical and safety needs’ in place you are unable to move to ‘belongingness needs’ which include work groups. These hygiene factors are important for a business to avoid the feeling of unpleasantness at work. When employees feel these factors are inad equate they cause dissatisfaction and no matter how well the company addresses the motivational factors they cannot work with motivational factors alone – the two go hand in hand. Motivational factors were also contributing to the overall lack of motivation.Due to the period of cost cuts, staff cuts, implementation of new management controls and the formation of an internal market for services that the BBC had been through in the 90’s, the changes meant that divisions were ‘competing aggressively to get a larger slice of the pie’ (Keys, 2006). This was potentially affecting individual’s opportunities for advancement, recognition of their work within the BBC, and sense of personal achievement and growth in their position. This was all being exacerbated by a ‘very analysis based, almost obsessively so’ (Keys, 2006) business from the previous Director – General.On an individual level the motivational circle can be used to understand where an employee is personally affected. This can be split into four categories: satisfaction, effort, recognition and performance and they link to each other. If the link between effort and performance is affected people feel that no matter how hard they work their performance will not improve. This could be due to a lack of resources, knowledge, training, tools and skills and also an ineffective process within the company.This break in the motivational circle can be seen as a symptom of the formation of an internal market for the services of the BBC. The internal market was causing the commissioners to become ‘king’ and the impact of programme–makers on decision making fell dramatically causing producers to become unhappy and leave as they felt the move towards external, independent production was increasing and no matter how much effort they put in within the BBC the performance would never be enough. 4. Analyse Dyke’s initial steps as he begins the c hange process. How has he done so far?What do you think about his approach to organisational change? What do you see as his biggest challenges going forward and how would you suggest he tackle them? Dyke recognised that the organisation had been through a major change period of cost cuts, staff cuts, implementation of new management controls and the formation of an internal market for services that the BBC. While these changes were essential to improve efficiency and to make the finances more transparent the change had been pushed from the top down and not been embraced by the employees.Dyke’s approach to further change is very different to that of John Birt as he recognised that further major changes were needed within the organisation. Dyke begins his role as Director-General by putting distance between Birt and himself by going on a ‘walkabout’. Dyke chooses to use is charisma, understanding of process and influencing powers to begin the change process. Dyke u nderstands that as Director-General of the BBC you are ‘damned if you do, and damned if you don’t’ due the strong public service ethos and culture of the BBC that lives both within the organisation and within every stakeholder.Dyke begins his change process by building relationships with employees both high and low in what Dyke termed ‘were too many hierarchies’. By asking employees views and building relationships before announcing major changes Dyke is able to build a network of people to support him through the changes and in turn influence others within the organisation. Dyke uses this time to launch a review of the organisation and learn where the inefficiencies reside in the organisation. By using both the relationships and analysis, Dyke begins to establish himself as a credible Director-General.He quickly puts in place tactics which are quick wins: changing the internal competitive market and the use of resources. These high impact changes ar e important for Dyke to establish his power and leadership of the BBC. Dyke clearly recognises the employee ‘commitment to the BBC, not necessarily to management, is very strong-at a level other companies would only dream of’ (Keys, 2006). For Dyke’s success it is essential that he shows employees that he understands the underlying culture of the BBC and is able to listen to his employees.Dyke needs to build a team that are able to discuss, decide and do real work. Dyke needs to select team members for their skills and set clear rules of behaviour and address the strong belief by BBC employees ‘that what they achieved, they achieved despite management’ (Keys, 2006). If Dyke can build a team within the BBC he has a very strong chance of success. 5. Analyse the structure of the BBC at the time Dyke took over. How appropriate was the structure given the goals of the BBC at that time? The structure of an organisation should follow strategy and for this r eason company structure can change often.The structure of an organisation should exploit the core competencies of its employees and managing organisational behaviour. John Birt had created an organisation based on bureaucracy due to the resistance to change that he met when restructuring the BBC. He found the internal resistance to change and the press hostility difficult and his management of staff became ‘defensive, solemn, businesslike’ and his style became rationalised and methodical without regard for people. Bureaucracy has positives which are its efficiency and fairness – this can be seen in the formation of an internal market for services that the BBC which brought inances under control and improved transparency. On the other hand it can be inflexible, restrict innovation and de-motivating – this can be seen with the loss of talented producers. The BBC at the time Dyke took over is divisional. The BBC network operations were split into two major di visions: broadcast and production. However, the broadcast division became more powerful as they were the division that set the strategy and content. The structure created unhappy programme makers who began to leave the BBC and set up their own companies to tender for the production from the outside.The structure was important to begin the re-structuring process of the BBC to make it a more transparent and accountable for its spending. However, the structure was causing the BBC to lose talented people and losing its internal innovation and intellectual property by pushing it outside of the BBC. When Dyke joined the BBC the external market place was rapidly changing. Digital, pay TV and the internet were making the average consumer more needy than ever and the BBC was required to stay at the forefront of the changes as it was funded by households.Audiences were becoming more and more fragmented and every new channel was gaining fewer viewers. For the BBC this meant that it was becomin g difficult to provide programming for all and the BBC mission from 1922 was – to ‘bring the best of everything to the greatest number of homes’ (Keys, 2006). The structure at the time Dyke joined was causing the BBC to become reliant on outside talent and leaving it open to flounder in the future. Keys, T, 2006. Greg Dyke: Taking the helm at the BBC (A). IMD286. International Institute for Management (IMD). Silbiger, S, 2005. The 10-day MBA. 3rd ed. Piatkus Books Ltd.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Internet Television Vs Cable Television - 1275 Words
Internet TV â€Å"Television viewers increasingly watch their favorite shows on their smartphones, tablets, and computers†(pg. 313). There are many entertaining television services on the internet and, â€Å"services such as Netflix are supplying content to screens of all kinds by streaming it over the Internet†(pg. 314). For many years, many people have sought joy from watching their favorite television shows to sports programs on Cable Television. They have spent nearly most of their lives watching programs on Cable television. However, since the inception of Netflix and other programs such as Hulu, people have stopped watching Cable and made the switch to begin watching television shows over the internet online on Netflix. Netflix†¦show more content†¦Netflix is a low cost service that will provide people with the TV shows and movies that Cable TV. Many people agree with the fact that they can watch Netflix and take a break from their normal lives. People like that Netflix is more accessible because it is cheap and they are many favorited shows on the website, a thing that cable television does not have, and has not had for years. In conclusion, a reason why Internet Television is taking over Cable Television is because the fact that Cable Television prices are rising and more people are going to Netflix and other programs because of this. In addition, Internet Television is taking over Cable Television because Internet TV is more modern-day and built for the younger generations. By this, I mean that Netflix and Hulu are more built for teenagers, rather than being built for adults and older generations. Many more teenagers are exposed to Internet Television rather than more adults and older generations being exposed to Cable Television for most of their childhood life. Moreover, it is more accessible for younger generations to access programs such as Netflix because they are apart of the age of the Internet and most old people were never introduced to this method of watching television. Most of the older generations were brought up in the age of the antenna TV, and believe that basic tv is all that they need to thrive in life. They think that they do not need to haveShow MoreRelated DSL or Cable Essay1537 Words  | 7 PagesDSL or Cable Everyday there are millions of people connecting to the Internet. The Internet is made up of networks of computers linked together around the world where people can chat, shop, instant message, and e-mail each other. With so many people connecting one might wonder how all of these millions of people are connecting to the Internet. There are many different options for people to use to connect to the Internet, such as dial-up, DSL, Cable, and Satellite. 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020
New England VS the Chesapeake Region - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 707 Downloads: 10 Date added: 2017/09/21 Category Politics Essay Type Compare and contrast essay Tags: Government Essay Political Essay Population Essay Relationship Essay Did you like this example? New England vs. the Chesapeake Region (DBQ) Settlers arrived to the Chesapeake region only to be greeted by unhealthy lands full of despair and labor. New Englanders, on the other hand, were welcomed by fresh air and clean water. As the years passed, the state of these two lands stabilized a bit with each other, but the people’s way of living in these regions did not. New England and the Chesapeake region developed differently because of the types of people who came to each of these places, the goals settlers had in mind when they came, and their individuality/teamwork. The Chesapeake region was occupied mainly by single men, while New England had families. The list of emigrants bound for New England is detailed, with the age of the passenger and their relationship with another person on board, with a decent amount of women (Doc. B). However, the list of emigrants bound for Virginia only has the person’s name and age, with less than twenty women on board (Doc . C). As a result, New England became very populous while the Chesapeake had a less than satisfactory population. Another reason why the two regions were different was because the settlers each had different goals to fulfill. New Englanders, for example, wanted to start a new life with religious freedom. John Winthrop discusses how the settlers â€Å"Must consider that we shall be as a city upon a hill. [†¦] if we shall deal falsely with our God in this work we have undertaken, [†¦] we shall be made a story and a by-word throughout the world†. The Puritan settlers incorporated their beliefs in many things, as well as proper education. For instance, children were taught religion, as well as reading and writing. The people also ran their own churches and had a congregational church government, similar to democracy in a political government. Settlers in the Chesapeake area, however, only desired wealth from gold and agriculture by using slaves. Captain John Smith recounts his experience as â€Å"The worse [†¦] with their golden promises made all men their slaves in hope of recompenses. There was no talk†¦ but dig gold, wash gold, refine gold, [†¦]†. The people in Virginia only stayed for economic prosperity such as growing tobacco and mining for gold, even though the condition of the land was terrible and disease ridden. Both states had different things in mind, in terms of beliefs and goals. Lastly, the people of New England were interactive with others while the people of Virginia were independent. John Winthrop addressed the people as â€Å"[Yet] we must be knit together in this work as one man. We must entertain each other in brotherly affection; we must be willing to abridge ourselves of our superfluities for the supply of others’ necessities†. Settlers in New England were on relatively good terms with each other, with religion keeping them together. In Virginia things were different. Since the settlers there did not come to the Chesapeake area to start a new life, they did not care much about others around them and worked independently. There were not many people to trust, since everyone was out to make riches. Governor Berkeley and his Council stated â€Å"Also at least one third [of the freemen available for defense] are single freemen (whose labor will hardly maintain them) or men much in debt†¦ [†¦] in hopes of bettering their condition by sharing the plunder of the country with them†. The governing body of Virginia did not trust the single, young men that came because they may get swayed by the other enemy countries and betray their own. In conclusion, the settlers may not have been loyal. The Chesapeake region and New England developed differently because of the different people that gathered in those two lands, the goals they both had, and their unity. The Chesapeake area overall was not a good place to stay because of population issues, poo r living conditions, and lack of loyalty. New England had better conditions: A big population, positive goals that were beneficial to the settlers, and loyalty. Virginia created a place for settlers to make wealth in a risky way, while New England became a haven for Puritans that were looking to get away from Old England and start anew. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "New England VS the Chesapeake Region" essay for you Create order
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