Sunday, May 10, 2020
The Rise Of Sea Levels - 1110 Words
As we arrive into another new year the same environmental issues plague us, waiting for more to be made to change the way things are done. One particular issue is the rise of or current sea levels, and even more troublesome the fact that the rate is going faster than scientist expected and how much of a impact it will have on land and aquatic life. Studies show that scientist have tracked the seas levels throughout time but were unbothered due to the fact that the increase was by very minute changes. Scientist first began to realize the rise of sea levels during the 20th century, where concern began to increase. â€Å"Records and research shows that sea level rise has been rising at a rate of 0.04 to 0.1 inches per year (â€Å"Is sea level†2016). I believe that sea level rise is just one of the many causes of global warming. But more specifically sea level is said to be caused by â€Å"thermal expansion (caused by the warming of the oceans (since water expands as it warms) and land based ice (such as glaciers) due to increased melting)†(Gaffin, 2002) to me this is something to fear because it’s something that could directly affect people just like me, where we normally would see serious flooding. There are many Americans who live in coastal states whose futures in their current and children’s residences are greatly threatened â€Å"Two global models show that even if the concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere ad been stabilized in the year 2000, we are already committed toShow MoreRelatedThe Rise Of Sea Levels1011 Words  | 5 PagesResources Institute, Florida is the state most vulnerable to sea level rises, which is a direct effect of global warming. (Berry et al.) Whereas the global average of sea level rise hovers at about eight inches since the year 1870, Miami has seen a twelve-inch rise (5). As I’m sure you realize, this presents a serious danger to the residents of Miami, but also spells trouble for the rest of the state. Even if the issue of sea level rise was limited to the South Florida area, the effects would be feltRead MoreThe Rise Of Sea Levels1891 Words  | 8 PagesIntroduction: Sea levels have been on the rise ever since the start of the industrial revolution, some aspects of this rise are natural and some human induced. Sea level rise (SLR) has many different effects on global systems including, flooding, saltwater intrusion, salinity and density. These changes will ultimately effect around 40% of the world population, which live within about 100 kilometers of a coastline (Union of Concerned Scientist, 2011). These increased effects will put millions ofRead MoreSea Level Rise Paper869 Words  | 4 PagesSea-level rise (SLR) is primarily driven by glacial melt and thermal expansion of ocean water and has been accelerated due to the increased warming of the global climate due to increased atmospheric greenhouse gas emissions (Dolan Walker 2006, Mcleod 2010). Although SLR estimates continue to become more accurate, uncertainties regarding the timing and quantity of SLR remain (Mcleod et al. 2010). Global estimates can only provide insights to raise awaren ess of the problem, regional studies are neededRead MoreThe Importance Of Sea Level Rise762 Words  | 4 PagesRather than focusing on the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, like climate mitigation, climate change adaptation focuses on bracing for, managing, and counteracting to impacts of present and future climate transformations. Sea level rise (SLR) is forecasted to advance throughout the Northeast USA, increasing coastal flooding, susceptibility to storm impacts, and decrease of coastal marsh areas. This is concerning as, presently, over 40 million people reside in coastal shoreline countiesRead MoreSea Level Rise And Its Impact On Coastal Zones1420 Words  | 6 PagesSea-Level Rise and Its Impact on Coastal Zones: Planning for Sea Level Rise in the Matanzas Basin (168-226): Sea-level rise will cause many issues among human development as well as different species. The article established many regions in Flagler and St. Johns County which presents future trends on outcomes from species degradation or housing development/population. The maps range from St. Augustine Shores to Palm Coast. It tells about the areas which would be either highly migrated speciesRead MoreThe Effects that Sea Level Rise Will Have on Humans2527 Words  | 10 PagesChapter One: Introduction 1.1 Overview. Sea level rise is a growing issue that is currently affecting the world as we know it. Due to the continually rising of greenhouse gases emissions in many continents across the world, it has now faced us with this significant problem. As these greenhouse emissions are being released into the atmosphere and damaging it, it results in the prolonged effect in the rise of global temperatures in which results in the devastating issue that has affected many countriesRead MoreEssay on Climate Change and The Rise in Sea Level 2044 Words  | 9 PagesOn a recent afternoon, Scott McKenzie watched torrential rains and a murky tide swallow the street outside his dog-grooming salon. Within minutes, much of this stretch of chic South Beach was flooded ankle-deep in a fetid mix of rain and sea. â€Å"Welcome to the new Venice,†McKenzie joked as salt water surged from the sewers. ----- Michael J. Mishak, Associated Press June 7, 2014 at 4:24 PM EDT According to the World Bank Development Report 2013 there has been an increase in global surfaceRead MoreSea Level Rise And Coastal Flooding Analysis3207 Words  | 13 PagesA part of the Current Research Focus Climate Change, Sea-level Rise (SLR) and Coastal Flooding (CF), Norfolk State University proposed a collaborative effort between the natural sciences and social sciences to examine the perceptions and attitudes of African Americans in the Hampton Roads area to both sea-level rise and coastal flooding. As a sociologist on the collaborative team, analyzing racial dynamics and perceptions of marginalized populations is critical to understanding under-served communitiesRead MoreEssay on The Effects of Sea Level Rise Caused by Climate Change932 Words  | 4 Pagesyeah, and did I mention that Kiribati will most likely cease to exist by the time the century is up? Kiribati is only 2 metres above sea level at its highest point, making it one of the world’s most vulnerable nations to the effects of sea level rise caused by climate change. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change made a prediction in 2007 that global sea-rise would be as much as 0.8 metres by the end of the century. Other scientific studies suggest that the increase will be as much as 1.9Read MoreClimate change and the loss heritage Antarctic’s ice melt and accelerating sea level rise, the1600 Words  | 7 PagesClimate change and the loss heritage Antarctic’s ice melt and accelerating sea level rise, the growing number of large wildfires, intense heat wave shocks, severe drought and blizzards, disrupted and decreased food supply, and extreme storm events are increasing to happen in many areas world wide and these are just some of the consequences of global warming. The fossil fuel we burn for energy coal, natural gas, and oil plus the loss of forests due to disforestation, in the southern hemisphere are
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